Navy Dads

My son is assigned to Ship 3 Div 370. Has anyone received any information on how they're doing?

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My son John Keefe is also on Ship 3 Div 370. We have not heard anything yet. I think it is too early. He left on 9-12 and when he called upon arrival he said he would call in 3 weeks. Does anyone know if this is the normal duration before the first phone call?

Rod Keefe




My son Aaron also is on Ship 3 Div 370, Received 1st letter this week, All is well, a little home sick but they have all gotten their first paycheck:) and sounds like most are hanging in there!!!

Mark, thanks for sharing the update.  We're stationed overseas, so most of our mail is 3-5 days behind everyone else.  We'll look for something next week.

We just got our first letter; it only took 2 weeks to get from Illinois to our base in Germany.  Sounds like everyone was sick from shots and community living.  Sounds like the instructors are tough as nails - just the way I remember my Basic Training.  Hope to meet many of you at the Grad Ceremony.

My son Christopher is also Ship 3 Div 370 shipped out 12 Sept last word was from OHare half hour before they were picked up. No word yet! Wish I knew how he's making out. Guess he will finally learn how to make his rack HaHa!!

Hi Richard

We got a call from John today and he told me that he spoke to your son and told him that the two of us had "spoken" on Navy Dad's. It was sure good to hear his voice. Seems to be doing well. He said he is the Master at Arms "currently". Sounds like fun. He gets to yell but said yelling at bootcamp is the norm so it does not seem odd. He said about 15 recruits have had wisdom teeth removed so far and he should next week. They are on day 2-5 as of today. They had their first academic test this week. He thought the swim test was very easy. He said they eat well in the galley. The attention to detail is the thing right now. Even a speck of dust warrants a "hit" on inspections.

We also got the 2nd letter from him today. My wife writes John daily so he said it nice to get letters. He said it is sad some recruits have not received a letter. I send the NFL and college scores to him each week which he enjoys and said others like it also to get caught up on their favorite team.  

Rod Keefe

Received MY first call from my son Aaron ship 3 div 370 . Sounds GREAT!!! Hes been assigned to pass out all your letters to your sons and daughters. He also is assigned to "laundry detail" something his old man could never do! He says the fitness part is fairly easy and that things in general are going well.!!! He wanted to know how his HS football team was doing.  Hope to meet some of you guys on grad week!!

Received first letter and phone call yesterday from Christopher Sounds like he is different already he really likes it! That comment I made previously about his rack.... Well shut me up!! Compartment had a supprise inspection and darn if the kid didn't come out on top!! They put him out in the middle and promoted him to petty officer 2class in charge of 14 recruits to make sure their areas are squared away. Who would have thunk it!!! He is getting 2 wisdom teeth pulled next week also. He got fitted for his dress blues and whites, says he looks quite sharp!! He is proud to see his last name embriouderd on his NWU,s Proud of him just like all you other Dads out there

Guys, thanks for all the updates.  We're stationed in Germany, so there's no way for Andrew to call us.  Your updates fill in the blanks and give us an idea of what he would be telling us if we could talk to him.  Thanks again, it really means alot!

We just got our second letter from Andrew.  He said their Division attended the lates PIR and saw all the graduates in their dress whites.  His words: "I use it to motivate me!" He also commented that they've been conducting their baseline physical fitness assessments.  He's always been a good, strong runner, but I guess they've been running on gravel, so that loose surface is something all the guys are struggling with.  Evidently most of the guys are still working on trying to ace making their racks pass the standards.  Since so many failed the last inspection, they made and remade bunks for over an hour to help them learn the proper way.  Take care, and hope to meet some of you next month!

Well it's  been 2 weeks and no news. I can only imagine that our young sailors are extremely busy in the quest of that Navy ball cap!! Not too much longer!! Any news would be helpful. See everyone 9 Nov 2012!!



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