Navy Dads

My son heads for boot camp 12/6. Anyone have suggestions fo an early christmas present that he could use in boot camp or soon there after?

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They really are not allowed personal items during boot camp, as far as I know.  Until they're at least in A School or beyond, I wouldn't send anything special as much as you'd like to do so.

he can't use anything except for Navy issue material in bootcamp...besides nothing would fit into a flat letter sized envelope....

Send him a couple silver pins for his collar. The instructors would get a kick outta that. Or if his rack is on the bottom send him a piece of mistletoe.


And make him clean the head floors until they match the shine on the pins.  Don't send anything of personal nature, or else the recruit will be humiliated beyond any imagination.  As was posted somewhere here, one who got a "singing" card was forced to sing the tune in front of his unit until the battery ran down completely.

Take him out for dinner before he leaves. Let him choose where to go, as he will not get non-military food for 8 weeks.  I agree with the other posts, anything he takes to boot will be sent home.  Send letters and pages with pictures to help him through.  Best wishes

Don't kow what your beliefs are, I bought my son a Sailors (or Mariners) Cross  before he left for RTC.

Since they really aren't allowed anything while in boot camp, perhaps you could put a picture scrapbook together and send it to him for Christmas. They are allowed to get pictures and I put my son's one in a book that held 34 pictures all 4x6. He said he was able to get those. Also you could get cards wishing him Merry Christmas and have everyone in the family sign them. I did that for him but it was to wish him well and thinking of him cards. He said he really enjoyed the pictures and little notes from all the family members. Just so he knows everyone is missing/thinking of him. After he is out of boot camp you can send him all his presents :) I'm sure he'd love that.

I'd say the best gift you can give your SR is to make sure you are there for his graduation. Believe me, he will appreciate that more than you can ever imagine. Even if he thinks he won't.

I agree but the letters are just as important. Even though we look as them as just letters, our kids look at it as their lifeline. At least that's what my son said. Going to the PIR should just be a given. As soon as you know your kids going to boot camp start saving and doing what it takes to get there. That's just the least we can do for them. Especially after everything they are going through for our freedom :) My son told me some people didn't get any mail and he was sad for them because they just didn't have anyone. I told him next time he should have given me some names and addresses I would have wrote. Be sure to ask your kids if there is anyone not receiving mail, perhaps if you let us know here we could send some letters :)

Brad said:

I'd say the best gift you can give your SR is to make sure you are there for his graduation. Believe me, he will appreciate that more than you can ever imagine. Even if he thinks he won't.



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