Navy Dads

New here my son left for boot camp on June 13,got the usual call at night saying I am here,recieved the box with clothes a few days later and nothing since.Have not heard or recieved any letter yet her recruiter gave us an address  of ship 9 division 302 two days after he left .No word of anything yet should we be concerned or go with no news is good news.What are some of the possibilities.Thanks new here and first time poster

Thanks Dano

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Welcome!  I wouldn't worry as yet.  Normally, no news is good news and the form letter will not arrive until sometime after the box of his clothes.  Since you got the call and the clothes, you know he's in good hands and proceeding on with everything as planned.

You should get the form letter at some point this week I should think and then you'll be able to write and start feeling connected.  Expect a second call sometime within the next 2-3 weeks as well.

You're not going to hear anything for awhile.....go with No News is Good News and have patience.  When you get the form letter his address will be confirmed....start sending those letters then!!!!

*IF* the information from the recruiter is correct (ship9 Div 302) your son's PIR will likely be on 16 Aug. The current Training Group (TG39) Has PIR on 9 August and is comprised of Div's 287-298 and 939. There are 13 Divisions in this group so only 3 guests will be allowed. My son left on 12 June and arrived early the next day due to storm delays at O'Hare. We received the form letter on Saturday. Most parents in this group got the letter Friday or Saturday. My guess is that the combination of having lots of fresh high school graduates and the delay from the storm left them with lots of recruits at once. Your son's probably been in P-hold for awhile. My guess is that you'll get the letter near the end of this week.



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