Navy Dads

This is my first attempt at joining a discussion group. Before I pose my question, I first want to say that it is very comforting to know that there is a forum available to the parents of new recruits to help answer our questions. This is a totally new and challenging experience. As parents, we have always supported our children (now adults) in making the right decisions and helping them gather all the important information they will need to make those decisions. As my son enters the Navy, I know that he is entering a new stage in his life and career. My input will lessen as it should but I still want to help him as much as I can. Now to my question: He has completed 4 years of college in Criminal Justice and signed up in the DEP on 11/12. he will be going to Boot camp in May. he tested well on the ASVAB and will go into the submarine electronincs program at Groton. When he was enlisting he asked about the Loan Repayment Program and one of the recruiters told him not to worry about that now since he could address it at boot camp. My initial reading says he needs to have that in his contract and the paper work started within 60 days of enlisting. I am confused and would like some direction. I also read something about the Admiral's Accelerator Award (AAA). How can he qualify for this?

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Get any loan repayment in his contract. You cannot address at boot camp, very few rates have Loan Repayment Program. If it is not in writing in contract, he does not have it. I too thought it was a given, and it is not in the Navy. Make the recruiter answer question, yes or no, now, in writing. Get it in contract before he goes to MEPS for swearing in.



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