Navy Dads

My son arrived at boot camp last night, and I already have a few observations, plus a few questions that perhaps someone could answer:

My son, Aaron, was picked up by his recruiter at our home and transported to MEPS in Brooklyn, N.Y. Aaron was in the delayed entry program. He was put up in a hotel room that night, and shared a room with two other guys. During the night, my son said, one of the guys skipped out and never returned. I don't think he'd taken his oath yet, so I guess that was his prerogative, but I'm wondering how unusual that is.

Anyway, the next morning, my son said he was awakened at 4 a.m. and driven back to MEPS, where he renewed his own oath (he'd taken one on his first trip to MEPS, some months ago when he entered Delayed Entry). Eventually he was flown to Chicago, arriving yesterday in the late afternoon. He said he was the only one from that MEPS office going to Navy boot camp. He called me again from Chicago O'Hare, where he said he had gone to the USO as instructed, and was awaiting the arrival "of a petty officer," who would drive him to Boot Camp. Again, this was surprising to me, as all the videos I'd seen showed a busload of new recruits arriving, but my son says he was the only one. Question: Is this unusual?

Continuing with my story, I didn't hear from my son again until 1:30 a.m., when he called to say that he'd arrived and that a box containing his meager belongings would be shipped home. Although I knew to expect an "official" call like that, I thought it was strange to receive it at that hour on the East Coast. In Illinois, it would have been an hour earlier, but even so, my son would have been up from 4 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. the following day, which is a long day in anybody's book.

Finally, a couple more questions: If my son has difficulty with any aspects of the training, how is time allotted to correct deficiencies? For instance, right now he's a rather marginal swimmer. If he needs further instruction, does anyone know how this is fit into a schedule that must already be rather full?

Thanks for reading all this. It's good to have a support group such as this. Having not been in the military myself, I find this all rather fascinating!

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 chuckling....when they arrive at RTC they are up typically for more than 24 hours.....helps to reset everyone's internal clock...the call time is VERY typical...

Hello Glenn, Welcome to the group. When my son left I didnt get my call for three days. When I did get the call, (all 15 seconds of it) he said the phones wern't working when he arrived. As far as the RDC's helping your son, they do. It makes no sense for the Navy or your son to let him fail. I too was not in the military so we are learning a lesson now. Glenn, just take comfort in knowing that he is in good hands, the Navy is not new at this, they have been doing this a long time. Although it may not make any sense to use, its all for him to become a Sailor. I'm into week 3 and believe me it's tough. Just take pride in knowing you have put him in the hands of the greatest Navy in the world. Hang tough we are all in this together. We will be surprized on what we (and they) get on the other in. When you attend his PIR (Graduation) I think it will show your decision to "let him go" will be well worth it. Look around I'm sure you will have questions, this a great site and the questions will be answered here. Good luck, Tom

Thanks for the encouragement, Tom. We're really excited about the path our son has chosen.

Glenn when my son went into the Navy it was about the same. We dropped him off at the recruiter’s office and they went to MEP’s and stayed in a motel overnight. We were able to go to Sacramento MEP’s the next morning to see him and several others sworn in (multiple branches). I don’t recall how many were Navy but there was about thirty total. Any yes it was late for the “I’m here box is coming bye” call. We got ours about 0130 west coast time. Plan on a form letter in about 5 to 7 days and letters after that. We got our first call in about 3 weeks. Write your questions down in advance before your next call as when you get it you end up forgetting what to ask. Best of luck to yuor son and PIR was great. What a change in our son.

The day my son's recruiter took him to the hotel we were told we could pick him up and take him out just to bring him back by 9pm or sooner since he said the more sleep he gets the better. He also told my son earlier that week to get as much sleep as possible because they will keep him up for almost 48 hrs it's a way for them to get everyone  on the same clock. My son called real quick just to say he was there and okay. It was about 3 weeks before we got his letter. In it he tells us that he is doing okay and that he is learning a lot. He just misses home and likes to get letters daily. I haven't been lucky to talk to him on the phone. The first time he called I missed his call (boy was I upset) then that weekend he called my husband's cell (again my luck he was at work) so I missed his call again :( All in all he seems to be doing very well and your son will too :)

Your son is in good hands. Many things have changed since I attended NTC in 1969, but the important things have remained constant. It will take some time for the "me, myself & I" to become "we, us and everyone" and your son will receive assistance from his fellow recruits and RDC if needed. "We" had to help one young man get dressed as he had a problem with left/right and right side/inside out!! If a recruit needed help with swimming, they would attend sessions for additional instruction "after" the regular training day was completed. My grandson is about to begin week 6, has already passed the PT tests and is looking forward to PIR...wants to get to ET "A" school. Good luck to your seaman recruit.


Hi Glenn,

Your story sounds just like mine. My son left on the 24th of Aug. We got the call about midnight here on the east coast. I was not going to bed until I got that call, so midnight was not so bad. Now it will be hard to wait for the next phone call in about 3 weeks. But, as our recruiter said; no news is good news. Good luck to your sailor (recruit).

 Fair winds and following seas.


My son's  dates and the phone call experience are similiar to yours, good luck to all. Go Navy!!

Ron Egan said:


Hi Glenn,

Your story sounds just like mine. My son left on the 24th of Aug. We got the call about midnight here on the east coast. I was not going to bed until I got that call, so midnight was not so bad. Now it will be hard to wait for the next phone call in about 3 weeks. But, as our recruiter said; no news is good news. Good luck to your sailor (recruit).

 Fair winds and following seas.

We got our official letter from RTC yesterday, including three hastily scrawled sentences from our son. His PIR date was listed as Oct. 14. We're nervous and excited all at the same time!



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