Navy Dads

Do the new recruits get any time off. If so is there anything for them to do on base. Someplace to eat other than navy food. Or some type of entertainment?

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If a healthy relationship is give and take Navy wont mind Letting me spend the holidays with my loved one. Sailorette is my partner. She is not sure the Navy is right for her but she is sticking to it. Loving someone through pen and paper is not my idea of a happy relationship. Again we both have decisions to make.

correct...if she has earned it according to Navy policy...........kinda like speed limits...obey the law (policy) and you can go where and when you want............kinda like taxes....obey the law (policy) and you can do about what you want when you want.....otherwise....not so much.........

That explains our military budget. If you mess up at work they send you home. If you mess up in the military they make you stick around. 

@JA, this sounds like a good topic for Dr. Phil...

Mr. Sailorette, this sounds like discussions you should have had before she left to join the military. She made a commitment, were you expecting it to be summer camp? I for one am truly sorry if defending our country is an inconvenience for you.

We all would LOVE for our loved ones to be home with us during the holidays. You post as if you are the only one missing their sailor.

If you are just now realizing that joining the military is not akin to working at a 7-11, than I can only assume you will be in for many more surprises along the way.

Brad I am not sure if you are aware but the military isn't exactly up front when you join. Sailorette is a few weeks away from PIR she has no details on any liberty. It would be different if I knew what to expect. That is why I am here, to gain insight from people with military family experience.

She asked if she could join before she did. I told her I did not care for it, but it was her choice. She's in it just like many family members here and, her and I are a part of each others lives. We chose to be together, and I have a right to dislike some policies every bit as much as she has a privledge to join the service.

Remember we all have a part in society. With out 7 11 clerks our soldiers would have no stores to by beer at 12pm after a long desert tour.

Mr. Sailorette said:

Brad I am not sure if you are aware but the military isn't exactly up front when you join. Sailorette is a few weeks away from PIR she has no details on any liberty. It would be different if I knew what to expect. That is why I am here, to gain insight from people with military family experience.

She asked if she could join before she did. I told her I did not care for it, but it was her choice. She's in it just like many family members here and, her and I are a part of each others lives. We chose to be together, and I have a right to dislike some policies every bit as much as she has a privledge to join the service.

Remember we all have a part in society. With out 7 11 clerks our soldiers would have no stores to by beer at 12pm after a long desert tour.
It is none of my business how you handle your relationship, but from your writing, there are more than a couple questions and concerns the two of you obviously have. I would say this is probably the wrong board for that discussion though.
As you've pointed out, you came here to get insight though, not complain about military policy.
For what it's worth, we have all suffered with not knowing what was going on with our sailors during boot camp.

It is pretty clear you have not followed past posts in the Bootcamp or PIR group very well.  She will not know about liberty (grad and go status) until about 2 weeks before PIR....that's the way is not a case of the military not being up front when you join.  If she moves across the road to the base (grad and go), she'll have a little while after PIR (like maybe 30 minutes) and then needs to report to the base (takes about 4 hours) and then get liberty throughout the weekend, but will have to return to base each evening.  If she leaves for A-school, she will fly out the day following PIR....

Scott....I was rooting around RTC FB page as I've seen something about this, but cannot find it.....I'll keep onlooking and post anything I run across.....this is this:

Each year, RTC coordinates the Thanksgiving Adopt-A-Sailor program for a select group of recruits. This year's program on Nov. 24, 2011 is for those recruits who will graduate Dec. 2 and Dec. 16 (Training Group 3 and 5) as they are the senior divisions who will graduate the week and two weeks following the holiday.

These recruits will be given the opportunity to send home information and the necessary form that must be completed and faxed back to the Public Affairs Office. Only your recruit may send the information and only one form per recruit will permitted. Do not call our office for a form or additional forms; you will need to contact your recruit to request the information if you have not received any. All forms must be received by our office by the close of business Nov. 21, 2011.

Do not expect your recruit to be available for adoption if you do not communicate with our office prior to Nov. 21. Do not "surprise" your recruit by showing up to adopt him/her without informing your recruit beforehand.

On Thanksgiving morning, immediate family members only (mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandparent, spouse or cousin) will be allowed to pick up their recruits and take them off base to spend the day with them. They must be back in their ship (barracks) by 8 p.m. The recruits must remain within 50 miles of the base and no exceptions will be made.

Those recruits in Training Group 3 & 5 who will not be spending the day with families will be adopted by local civic organizations such as VFWs, American Legions, churches, etc. These generous organizations adopt anywhere from 10 to 150 recruits. They take the recruits to their organizations where the recruits spend the day feasting, playing video games, watching movies, having access to phones to call loved ones, play sports and simply relax and enjoy the company of the organizations. Many of these organizations hold fundraisers to be able to provide the recruits with a complete, traditional Thanksgiving meal. No recruit in Training Group 3 & 5 will be left behind.

Hey, about Boot camp -- my daughter got caught writing letters home in her rack -- that's why so bad penmanship.

Now -- we have a deal -- she does "needs of the navy" -- I wait on when she's available --

My kids are really into independence -- might have something to do with their parent's values.

Anyhow -- particular holidays -- who cares -- we can meet on either coast sometime every few months -- or not --what day or days is not important -- boot camp was only a couple months.

Deployment is only half a year or so (carrier).


"Apron strings"? -- duh? yo no se.


I rejoice that my kids are so independent and so competent.

When they call me --good. When they reply to an email -- good -- means they are OK.





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