Navy Dads

My son is currently scheduled to leave for boot on 3/5, less than 30 days away.  Anyone else out there with family in this class?  

We are really excited as he counts down the days.   A little nervous too - for a couple reasons and because of changes, he has been delayed before ... so nervous for him to go, but also nervous (with all the gov't changes / budget issues going on) that there is not further delays.  Odd mixture of emotions.

But we sure are proud of his choice!

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Hello Bill, My son just joined the Navy and is not expected to leave until June 5th. I can understand being nervous. My step son Jason is a Sgt. in the Marine Corps and was deployed a few times to different parts of the world. Now with my son Bob joining the Navy my nerves will continue to be on edge. But, I can not tell you how proud I am of the young kids doing what they are doing for our great Country. Good luck to your son and your family. Please keep me posted about boot camp.


God Bless


Hey thanks!  I also have a son in the Marine's, in fact, he is home at the moment and leaving this coming week for his new duty station - Okinawa - for 2 years. 

Well, our son was sworn in yesterday, and flew today to Chicago / Great Lakes.  He arrived ... well now it really starts! 

My son, Ian, is at the recruit place as we speak. He signs his contract tomorrow morning and gets his boot camp date. He is very excited and we are beginning a new adventure with him. Bill, good luck to your son. I hope he excels at boot camp.

My son went to boot camp Monday. One of your posts said 3/5, did he have a delay because of the storm. Maybe they'll be in the same division.

Bill Ramm said:

Well, our son was sworn in yesterday, and flew today to Chicago / Great Lakes.  He arrived ... well now it really starts! 

Yes, we are in SoCal - he got sworn in but that was the day of the Chicago having so much disruption - so they kept him another day at MEPS / hotel in San Diego.  I assume all the arrivals this week are the same division?  Not too familiar with Navy organization yet ... :-)
John Wetzel said:

My son went to boot camp Monday. One of your posts said 3/5, did he have a delay because of the storm. Maybe they'll be in the same division.

Bill Ramm said:

Well, our son was sworn in yesterday, and flew today to Chicago / Great Lakes.  He arrived ... well now it really starts! 

Thanks - and to you all also!  Hey, another California person!  Hope he gets what he wants for an MOS!  It is an exciting time.
Marnye Langer said:

My son, Ian, is at the recruit place as we speak. He signs his contract tomorrow morning and gets his boot camp date. He is very excited and we are beginning a new adventure with him. Bill, good luck to your son. I hope he excels at boot camp.

LOL! Navy doesn't have MOS. They have ratings. Bill, you are going to have to learn a whole new set of vernacular.

Oh man ... ratings, MOS, deck, MCT, DI, ship ... too many terms and they are both in the US Milatary!  And I thought Marines and Navy would be at least somewhat similar!  :-)

My son arrived at Great Lakes on March 5th.

Ray - Great! - maybe they are in the same ship / division then - it will be great to keep track with others what is going on.  I see he is third generation Navy - you must really be proud!  We are just learning Navy lingo - we just spent the past year learning Marine lingo, but guess we need another dictionary!

I am proud, but things have changed a lot since I went into Boot Camp 2/4/75. Not only is he 3rd generation, my Dad is Raymond Sr, I'm Jr and my son is the 3rd. Since everyone goes by their last name in Boot, when I get a mailing address I'll ask him if there's a Ramm in his company. Well, when I was in it was Companies, may not be now. I think now it's ships or something. My Dad and I both went to Boot in San Diego. Of course, my Dad was there during WW2. I was in at the very tail end of Viet Nam. If you have any questions about the lingo I'll be glad to try to help you if you want, but so much has changed.



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