Navy Dads

We received the form letter the other day. Our SR is on ship 13 division 229 PIR 6/21/13. He was to fly out of Knoxville April 16th for RTC but the storms in Chicago caused the flights to be cancelled 3 days in a row.So they sent my son and 5 other recruits up there in a van. From the contact I had with him during the trip,it wasn't a very good experience for them. The elderly lady driving the van wouldnt use the ac and wouldnt roll a window down when she smoked.But I'm sure he is doing well now,he is the type person that thrives on challenges. I would love to hear from anyone with a SR in the same ship&division.

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Hey there my son is in the same ship and training as well we are from WV. Don't know about you butnthis is the hardest thing we have done and it seems like it will be forever before we see him again.
Hi Ron, yea it's been very hard on us also. It would make us feel so much better just to hear his voice. June 21 seems forever away. Did your son have any delays getting there over the weather? This experience has helped me get back to the basics again tho,I had almost forgotten how to use a pencil and paper to send a letter. lol I'm sure our boy's are doing great ,we just have to hold down the fort until we can head north in June.
I agree this is a tough deal but we will make it like I said earlier if this is bad wait until he is stationed in Japan or Austrailia... J is my oldest son and I miss him crazy never dreamed I would be like this I traveled a lot for work a few years back but have been around for the last couple everyday. J graduated last May and has had a real tough year I hated to see him go but it was torture watching him loose touch with the kids he had grown up with and not know how to do anything but wait for whatever was next. What is your boy excuse me guess that is man now huh? What is his rating? J is a ABE will do his A school in Pensacola, and yes the weather stopped them on Thursday and delayed them Friday did get the I am here call until 2am Sat. He sat at the USO till after midnight
Cody is an EO with the seabee's . He will do his A school in Fort Leonardwood Missouri. My daughter stayed here in Maryville (just outside Knoxville) to go to college thank goodness, I couldnt handle them both being gone. My older brother was over seas a lot when he served in the early 90's , he was stationed in Mayport Fl. He was a hull tech. and now lives about 60 miles from RTC in Ill.
Hey Ron,have you got a letter from J yet? Other than the form letter?
No Dave the only thing so far is the infamous form letter that I am sure his mother has framed here somewhere. I am sticking to the statement " no news is good news and if if something was wrong they would have alread told us" now with the standard reply done, I am waiting and trying just to stay focused but its not easy this empty nester stuff can be a sneaky beast. Just walking through the house or yard or store or for us driving down the road around here because he is a walker and you were liable to pass him walking along anywhere. Well I am keeping my fingers crossed (only one set) and being a quiet patient wreck at I bet they are making fun of us on N4M (not really) June seems so far away until I think of all the stuff I have to do before then thats when it seems so close and closing quicker
LOL, You got that right brother,it's all I can do to keep my wife from heading up there to get him. lol
We got a phone call from Cody this morning!!! Got to talk for about 8 minutes. He said the physical part isn'ttoo bad but the mental part was a killer.
I know Dave we got to talk to Jarad and it was fantastic he sounded like he had found his bliss that was the happiest I have heard him in a long time. Which ship is Cody on? Wo knows maybe our boys already know each other. Jarad said they keep making them get up in the middle of the night because people keep arguing after light out. They did thier swim test yesterday I am rambling I know but it sure was nice to hear his voice
Cody is on ship 13 div 229. I think we should get letters from them this week.
I know when we spoke with J Saturday morning they hadn't had thier first mail call yet so all of the letters are waiting somewhere and when all that emotion hits that ship all at once that should be interesting to say the least. There are already so many things in him that have been "put away" to prepare them /him for the fleet and good lord knows it was needed and that makes it a good thing. Look on the brightside as they say now when we see each other again we will meet the young sailor they have become while we were worrying about the kid that left that day

I sure have enjoyed watching all your comments and the things you have shared.  My son Cameron is there along with yours, he is in Ship 13, Division 209 and will be graduating on 5/31/13, I can't wait to be there.  He got married just before entering the Navy and boot camp so I keep tabs on him thru our new daughter in law who we have known for many years.  It has been such an emotionally charged past month though.  The Navy communicates to her, and he calls her and has had very limited time to call or write so I am so appreciative for the comments you have all shared here, and for the information that is shared.  It helped me to understand boot camp, PIR, where to stay when we go, etc.  I am so very proud of my son and how well he seems to be doing.  He will be going to Conneticutt after PIR to Sub School.  He is really excited about the navy and his chosen direction going forward.  I look forward to PIR, hope to see some of you there!  Congratulations to all of you who will have graduates and new young sailors in your family!  A great accomplishment, and a worthy and noble beginning of a career with the United States Navy!!  Thanks Guys!  While I have been silent, I love to see/read your posts!!



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