Navy Dads

My son is with ship 12 Div. 424. His PIR date is 11-8-13. I would love to hear from anyone with someone who has the same DIV., or PIR date!


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My son Lars has the same PIR date, 11-8-13.  He is with Ship 14, Div 426.  He left home on Sept 11 and we have had one real phone call and just received his first real letter.  And by real, I mean 5 sentences, but it was nice to get. 

Are you planning on attending PIR?  We have just started looking into hotels and driving over from Northern VA.


take care.


Our Son Alex is Ship 13 Div 421 PIR date 11-8-13. We are planning on driving up from Texas. 

Dean, One hotel has gotten remarkably bad reviews, I believe it was Ramada, I saw it on the site somewhere I just can't find it right now. SpringHill Suits got remarkably good reviews over on the PIR discussion site. Apparently, they have great wifi and other amenities. The Navy Lodge is also highly recommended. Apparently, you get a pass to the NEX if you stay there. But that isn't in the MWR brochure that we received.

Dean nice to hear from another dad! We are flying out from Ca. still trying to get every thing in order. We've gotten one call from are son Tanner. He was Mentally tiered , but positive.


Rich Ivy

Gary Ray

Hope your trip too Great Lakes goes smooth. I'm from Texas but live in Ca. now.


I'm sure it will. I have driven most of that path many times. I grew up in and my parents still live in Indiana so it is very familiar. Amusingly, my wife grew up in Lake Zurich, IL which is only a mere 18 or so miles from Great Lakes Naval Station.

My son is on Ship 3 Division 430, but he is graduating on 11/8/13 as well. We got the I'm here call and the form letter, but no letters yet. I'm concerned about the form letter and more specifically the names he's listed to attend graduation. He's listed his mother & I as Mom and Dad and not our names. He's listed his grandmother as just that grandmother. I'm sure he was rushed to fill out everything and didn't think about what he was told to do. Will this be a problem for us trying to get in to the graduation?

Ray,  I am pretty sure that they will be filling out a more official form for the PIR guest list, I'm hoping they were just tired because Lars mispelled his mothers name. 

We received another call on Saturday night, he was stuffy and is coming down with a cold, he said there are a lot of kids in his division getting sick, group living, lack of sleep, change in weather all that playing a part.  He did pass his swim test, which is good, but didnt do so well with the pushups. 

He seemed to be in good spirits, and said most of the kids in his group are doing well and he's been making friends, so, heres to good news.

Our son Brendon is with ship 13, div 422. We've spoken to him on a couple of occasions. He's the medical yeoman and seems to be able to get to the phone a little more for some reason. We too are flying in from So Cal for the PIR on 11/08. My brother-in-law was a recruiter in Indiana and said the official list for guests gets set after the Battle Stations test. We've already had a change and our son has had access to the list to make the change.



Well my son Tanner called and I missed it. Bummed about that. He did get a hold of his older sister, he's doing well and past his swim test. I cant wait till PIR!


My son is div 952 HOOYAH!! Pir 11-8-13

Hey Mike we are flying in from Norcal. We've gotten two calls from our son,  I missed one but he left a message .

Mike Sutcliffe said:

Our son Brendon is with ship 13, div 422. We've spoken to him on a couple of occasions. He's the medical yeoman and seems to be able to get to the phone a little more for some reason. We too are flying in from So Cal for the PIR on 11/08. My brother-in-law was a recruiter in Indiana and said the official list for guests gets set after the Battle Stations test. We've already had a change and our son has had access to the list to make the change.


My son is ship 3 div 430 his PIR is 11/8/13. If you missed his call he will call a week after that if he is doing well I think I missed his call this weekend we could not hear him the phone was all static could not understand



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