Navy Dads

Received the first "real" letter from my son today. Aside from the good news that he passed his swimming test (I was worried about that), he said that he'd been "SIQ" for a few days and then "LLD" after having two wisdom teeth removed. Question: Will that set him back and affect his PIR date? Also, he said that since he's ticketed for submarines, he'll have to undergo a "special physical." Anyone know what that's about?


Aside from the usual griping about food and all the yelling, I think it was a pretty upbeat letter. For certain he's getting a big dose of something special that he's never experienced before, so I'm feeling good about things for him.

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Hi Glenn,

I can't really provide any information about the special physical for subs. Maybe someone else can help out with that.

As far as if he will be set back - hard to say. If it has only been 2 or 3 days probably not. When my son was going through basic he had a mild injury to his foot. He received a pass from physical exercise for 2 or 3 days and then he was back at it. He graduated on time.

I suppose it really depends on how far behind your son gets because of his SIQ and also probably really up to the RDCs.

Best wishes to you and your son!

Thanks Frank. I hope he can make up for any lost time!

Not sure what PIR he is in, but my son told me, those who were out for a couple of days due to wisdom teeth being pulled, just got the benefit of not having to do anything, but they were still in the same division.

I'd say he should be on target date, but it depends on how much time he missed.

Thanks for the responses, guys! I was really excited to get his letter today. He actually said a lot more than I was expecting, as he usually operates on a need-to-know basis, and I figured he'd think that Mom & Dad didn't need to know! But I got good vibes from the letter overall. I was incredibly relieved that he passed the swimming test, which was my biggest concern. He wasn't very complimentary of the eggs for breakfast, but said they could be made edible by the application of Tabasco Sauce.



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