Navy Dads

Comment by Paul S.on MondayDelete Comment

My son's flight left for Great Lakes on Wednesday late afternoon, Feb. 8th. Today, Monday Feb. 13th I receive the letter of information regarding his mailing address (Ship 02 Div 921) and his PIR date of April 6th in the mailbox. Then as I was reading the information, the Fed Ex truck pulled up to the house and dropped off (the kid in the box) minus the kid of course. I was surpised all this happen today. I just got back from the post office, in which I mailed some letters that I wrote over the past four days. I feel better today that the last four days.  

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Hi members of the Ship 02 Div 921 we received a call from our son today. He said they gave them a 10 minute call so he was able to call me, my wife and his sister. He said he is okay, but starting to get homesick. He is hanging in there, he is overall enjoying it and he gets along with all of his mates in the division. Overall it's mostly positive except he misses his family. This is the first time he has been away from us without constant communication. Otherwise, staying focus on his objective. Good to hear his voice and knowing he is okay. I'm cool with that.

Hey there parents of 02/921. Graduation is almost around the corner. I remember when I first joined this site. Lost and sad. Halfway is way passed. 4/6 just a few weeks. Letters do continue to come in every week like clock work. No need to stalk the mailman. I heard from my son that Division 900 gets front row bleacher seats. And I think 921 is going to be performing as the Navy State Flag carrier on graduation. This is cool. He said it is easy to get sick there. So we'll see you all parents graduation on 4/6.

I also received a letter on each Thursday now. My son is in the drumline of 921. I'm looking forward to PIR on 4/6. Less than three weeks to go. From all indications from his letters, they are working very hard to acheive the high standards that the RDC's expect from them. On occasion there has been some setbacks, so IT(intensive training) is common to help them through the mistakes. RDC's are working them hard and doing their job and the end result will be the finest sailors in the world.

Indeed Paul S. He did said that IT has been very hard and the RDC's are hard on them that's because of some setbacks they have had during the course of the training. However he did said something about RDC's being hard but the shipmates' bonds are bigger. Overall they are doing just fine. All them are excited to graduate with their heads up high. Go Navy !!!!!

Paul S. said:

I also received a letter on each Thursday now. My son is in the drumline of 921. I'm looking forward to PIR on 4/6. Less than three weeks to go. From all indications from his letters, they are working very hard to acheive the high standards that the RDC's expect from them. On occasion there has been some setbacks, so IT(intensive training) is common to help them through the mistakes. RDC's are working them hard and doing their job and the end result will be the finest sailors in the world.

Received a letter today from my son. Overall the letter was positive and he said the division has earned their four basic flags. Which has put their RDC's in a better mood... for now. Two more weeks to PIR, and things seem to be coming together for him and the division. 

I will be there for graduation on 4/6/12. If any of you will not be able to make it maybe I can get some pics of your SR. My daughter is in a diff. ship and division...maybe we can coordinate something. I just want to help those of you who will not be able to make it. E-mail @

Thank you Eric. Will be there. Congratulations. I am sure like every Dad here, you are so proud of her. Best to you and goodluck.

As the dad of one in DEP just have a question or two... is it true that divisions in 900 series are for musicians, singers, etc... I have daughter who is musician [sax player - all four] and was wondering about the probability/possibility of her being assigned to one of those units upon her arrival at BC... she is already mentally and physically tough [trained for MMA] but just wondered about the possibility of her additionally doing what she loves [music] while learning all aspects of new job...  her current ship out date is 6/19/12 so BC and PIR are a ways off, but like most parents here, just trying to be informed and on top of things... and secondly if she does make a 900 division when do they actually practice since the majority of their days are scheduled for team building activities for BC.

Yes, 900-series divisions are performance divisions.....all the division's drill time is in addition to regular time spent training with the rest of the divisions.    

Adding to Paul's message, my son said that the performance practice happens every Saturday on top of their regular schedule. So being in the 900 Division they have extra practice time for their performance.

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

Yes, 900-series divisions are performance divisions.....all the division's drill time is in addition to regular time spent training with the rest of the divisions.    

My son was able to call home this Saturday afternoon. He sounded great and looked forward to PIR in 12 days. This coming Monday is 5-5 day, (gas chamber day). He's entering the home stretch now. Full steam ahead!

Same here. We got the call around 1300H. A lengthy phone call too. He sounded great and also looking forward to their PIR. Basically, they are all eager to finish the training and move on. Everyone's excited to see him on PIR day 4/6. Go 02/921 !!!!



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