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Comment by Paul S.on MondayDelete Comment

My son's flight left for Great Lakes on Wednesday late afternoon, Feb. 8th. Today, Monday Feb. 13th I receive the letter of information regarding his mailing address (Ship 02 Div 921) and his PIR date of April 6th in the mailbox. Then as I was reading the information, the Fed Ex truck pulled up to the house and dropped off (the kid in the box) minus the kid of course. I was surpised all this happen today. I just got back from the post office, in which I mailed some letters that I wrote over the past four days. I feel better today that the last four days.  

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Jim and Paul, thanks for all of the helpful information... Her initial entry rate is that of MA... that is what she signed up for with her recruiter, who by the way is also aware of her desire for the MU rate... She has turned in her video for the audition for the MU rating and is awaiting a phone call in regards to whether or not she passed muster in her audition [after which she gets sent to VA for the audition itself]. The issue is one of her being an excellent [parent pride] musician who plays a multitude of instruments and desires to play in the band, but if it does not happen prior to her going to BC she is okay... The desire to go to MU is her 'backup' plan... She would like to go to college as a music major [at some point], but her current ambition is just to make it through BC after which she will go to A-school at which ever one is deemed more important for her to attend in terms of her rating. Being law enforcement myself, I lean towards the MA, but knowing the kind of musician that she is, I would also be exceptionally happy for her to make the MU rating. Only time and the will of God will let us know how things turn out, knowing that they will always turn out for the best.

Appreciate the helpful info,


The word is out from the RTC. Ship 2 Div 921 wins the Captains Cup for top honors for integrated divisions. Hooyah!! BS is next on the agenda this week, then on to PIR this Friday.  

Any news yet on the BS21 for 02/921?

We have a Sailor! Ship 2 Div 921 is calling now. Hooyah! Everyone in the division made it!

Thank you Paul I have been waiting for news all day long !!!!!!

Been waiting for a phone call......none yet. Have you received yours already?

Paul S. said:

We have a Sailor! Ship 2 Div 921 is calling now. Hooyah! Everyone in the division made it!


My son called at 6:00PM E.S.T on April 3rd. He had about 20 minutes to talk, then they were on to chow at 1810 C.S.T. and after dinner, be would be allowed to (sleep) for 10 hours. He called it taps. He did say everyone in his division passed BS. He also said BS was intense but also fun and he was exhausted. I hope this helps and you hear from your son soon.

Thank you Paul. It is very unusual for my son not to call. I am somehow concern whether we need to fly to GL this week or not but thank you for the information. It is very useful.

@ Edwin

My son's PIR was 3/30/12.  I never got the post-BS-21 call.  We had already flown to Chicago, and it was a little nerve wracking getting the emails about other calls.  It got better when I saw his name on the list at the door, and best when I saw him in formation.  He said they were never given the opportunity to call. Hang in there.

KTR - Thank you. From the information I got from one of the parent who got a call from his son yesterday after BS-21 each member of the division made it. So I know that my son made it through. Thank you for the support. Indeed it is nerve wracking to know that others get their phone calls and some don't.

Edwin S. It was a pleasure and an honor meeting you at the RTC. I'm so happy everything worked out for you and your new sailor. It was very kind of you to offer your thanks, I was so surpised when you walked up to me in the parking lot. It was a great feeling. Good luck to you and your son on his future career as a U.S Navy sailor.

Thank you Paul S. It was indeed a pleasure and honor meeting you at RTC. Yes I got a little worried when I did not received a phone call from him that day but when you said that everyone passed, that helped me a lot in getting my feelings at peace. We had to meet him at the airport at 3am Saturday morning and was able to spend a lot more time at the airport. The group that flew to San Antonio TX (approx 19 of them) had more than 8 hours of free time at the airport. So we took advantage of that to be with him since we only got a few hours of liberty time after graduation. It was well worth a fly all the way from California. I am sure you share the same feeling I had....I was standing proud of what this guys accomplished.

Incidentally, your sailor is in Monterey, CA. I am not sure what the name of the base is but I am about 2 hours away from Monterey. If there is anything that you or son needs, please feel free to reach out to me and I will be glad to be of any help. You can send me an email at

Once again, thank you for your support. It surely did helped me go through BMT. My son's rating is HM so he will be at METC for 14 weeks. You will find me probably on Hospital Corpsman on this site.

Best regards,




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