Navy Dads

Our son transferred into this division after some sort of problem  --he's been gone over 5 weeks and we still have yet to get a second letter.   At this point my wife is hysterical and I have to agree with her-- We shouldn't be this disconnected.   She's ready to call the Navy Chaplain, the President, etc.  Anyone have any info you can share about this division?   

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Its hard and I hear your concearns, but once OUR kids sign that dotted line you have to step back and let things take there course.  The Navy Has now become their parents in a matter of speaking , and its a time for all of them to grow and deal with things as young adults. Im sure things will be ok and if hes having issues we have to trust that the Navy and their leaders go through proper channels in dealing with our kids!

I really hate to beat a dead horse, but the key thing to remember is: No News is Good News.  If there were a problem, you would have been notifed....the Navy is taking care of your sailor......have faith and patience.....and yeah, I've been down this road with a daughter and son that both went through RTC.

Well, since we're not getting mail-- and other recruit families are-- We'll just have to agree to disagree.  

your sailors can write letters typically only on Sundays - what they call holiday routine.  No one makes them write a letter- so logically, if they have other things to do, like study or workout, etc., then they may not have written a letter while other recuits may have.

We never even got an "i've arrived" call from our son.  I saw other dads talking about getting phone calls, but we never did.  Around week 5 we started getting letters, sometimes 3 in a week, and they were dated weeks earlier.  When the letters finally came, he was doing well and actually enjoyed boot camp (hard as that may seem to believe).  When we arrived at his graduation, he really seemed to have grown up in many ways.  Take heart.  Boot camp can be a real growth experience.  Just make sure you keep writing him.  Even though you're not hearing from him, he will treasure hearing from you and want news etc.



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