Navy Dads

We just received our son's box and found his address through his recruiter.  He left for Basic last Thursday, so not sure what his projected PIR is.  Anyone else early in this process like me?  Happy to be able to get the letters of encouragement flowing.

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Welcome aboard!  My son is now in the middle of his A School, so I am now a grizzled veteran of Navy parent life.  You'll be getting a form letter with all the information concerning his Pass in Review/Graduation date, along with list of names for the 4 ticket allotment that he provided, and all other pertinent information, usually in the second week.  I hope you handled the 'kid in a box' delivery better than I did! Check out the videos on boot camp that are linked here at NavyDads, they are excellent and will help to allay any anxieties you will undoubtedly have.  I hope this helps.  Make use of this site, it's a great site.
My Son is in Ship 11 Division 117and his PIR date is April 01,2011
I also recieved " the sailor in a box" yesterday Valantines day. As I opened it up my wife started to get that look ( you know what I mean) and I removed Brian's clothes and handed her his shirt which she held to her face for a moment. Brian is following his heart and living his dream , as he had talked about joining the military many times before. I am very pleased that he chose the Navy. When he went through his physical prior to swearing in the doctor whom examined him said he was one the fittest persons she had seen in a long time and said she would reccommend him to Seal duty if he wanted it. We are still waiting on the computer card giving us his address and projected pir date. I found out the other day that your recruit will stay up 24 hours when they first get there at boot camp. The reason is that recruits come from all over and have different time zones so when they finally go down they will wake up on the Navy time

It's closer to 48 hours with no sleep, according to my son.  When you're that exhausted, you are at your most suggestible.

Pretty tough day for receiving your kid in a box.  It was pretty hard on both the wife and me about the same.

You will receive a letter from the Dep't of the Navy next week or thereabouts, a form letter with is mailing address, PIR date and other information, and a list of the 4 names who can attend the PIR.  It also has the password for your parking pass, so it's worth keeping in a very safe place.

Make good use of the topics list to the right, and the videos on NavyDads.  They're great tools to help you deal with this step in his life.  My son also talked of military service since he was in the 8th grade, but it was still a hard step for us to take.  He has thrived since shipping out, and now he's in A School focused and fit and highly motivated.  He was initially thinking of the Marine Corp, but my dad is a Navy vet, so I am glad he chose the Navy too.


Just got a call from my SR yesterday, only after two and a half weeks in. I was surprised when she called and she told me she got a reward call home because she and another SR were the only ones to make their rack correctly........ it was a sweet 10 minute call...:)
Like you are am very pleased and proud of Aaron's choice.  If you call your son's recruiter they will be able to get his address information for you.  Definitely helps to get the mail flowing his direction.  I was curious how things initially started.  For Aaron he shipped out on Thursday and we got the scripted phone call on Thursday night at 10.  Does Week 1 start on a Friday?  Does it vary by division?

Van Jaggers said:
I also recieved " the sailor in a box" yesterday Valantines day. As I opened it up my wife started to get that look ( you know what I mean) and I removed Brian's clothes and handed her his shirt which she held to her face for a moment. Brian is following his heart and living his dream , as he had talked about joining the military many times before. I am very pleased that he chose the Navy. When he went through his physical prior to swearing in the doctor whom examined him said he was one the fittest persons she had seen in a long time and said she would reccommend him to Seal duty if he wanted it. We are still waiting on the computer card giving us his address and projected pir date. I found out the other day that your recruit will stay up 24 hours when they first get there at boot camp. The reason is that recruits come from all over and have different time zones so when they finally go down they will wake up on the Navy time
The first week which starts when they get there is Processing Week, they get all their business in order, and they fill the divisions up.  The second week is usually the first week of actual basic training, and I think it usually starts on a Monday.  There are some great videos on this site which explain the process, and show you what happens in boot camp.  I think you can access them from the main Boot Camp page, and definitely get them via the videos link at the top of the page.
My son is in Ship 11, Div 116, PIR, April 1.  We had received his box about Tuesday last week, his info "letter" on Friday, and today we got his first real letter on Navy stationery.  He says that he is doing well, but wants to "fast-forward" to the end. He talked about 3 guys from another division who got IT and glad it wasn't him as 2 of them couldn't move afterwards. His butt still hurt from the peanut butter shot. He misses us, of which I am glad, but he knows what he is doing is the right thing for him. HooYah!
Got the form letter today.  Graduation date is 4/8.  Made hotel reservations for the homewood suites in Lincolnshire from brochure that came with the letter.  Like the idea of a little more room since we will have 2 of our other kids with us.  It was great just to see 4 lines at the end of the letter in his own handwriting.  Looking forward to his first real letter.
Shanna, IT is "Intensive Training". Lots of push-ups, sit-ups, running, etc. etc. It's a disciplinary measure as I understand it.

Shanna Pierce said:
What is IT?

John Banner said:
My son is in Ship 11, Div 116, PIR, April 1.  We had received his box about Tuesday last week, his info "letter" on Friday, and today we got his first real letter on Navy stationery.  He says that he is doing well, but wants to "fast-forward" to the end. He talked about 3 guys from another division who got IT and glad it wasn't him as 2 of them couldn't move afterwards. His butt still hurt from the peanut butter shot. He misses us, of which I am glad, but he knows what he is doing is the right thing for him. HooYah!
We received a letter from our SR today.He is doing fine and can't wait to finish.
Shanna we received a letter on Thur. He said he was fine but will be glad when it is over.We are still waiting for a phone call though and can't wait for PIR to get here.My wife is on Navy 4 Moms and Moms from each Division are wearing differnt colored scarfs. Our Division is going with Navy Blue.If you would like to look her up her name is Monica Grimes.



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