Navy Dads

My son is part of this group and I thought I would start a discussion, since I hadn't seen one.

Anyone else here have a SR in this one?

We've sent him some letters already, but beyond the introductory letter he sent home, with his Ship / Div in it, we've not heard anything.

I know it's early in the cycle, so we may not hear for a week or so.

Feel free to comment.


Views: 1297

Replies to This Discussion

Hey Mike welcome.  My SR's PIR is also 05/11/12. My SR is on Ship 09 Div 144 though. We received his form letter yesterday and my wife was a little sad. She thought there would be some sort of message or something from our son but there was none.  I have found this to be a great site for information on what to expect and what our young adults are going through. There are tons of great people on here so feel free to ask anyone if you have questions.  

Hi Paul. Thanks for the welcome. Yes, my wife was also disappointed that there wasn't any personal correspondence in the form letter. She's stalking the mail daily. 

My son is also on your son's ship.  Got our first letters today.  My wife is happy again... whewwww!

The letters are all positive and things are going well.




Hi Kenneth & Joey - Thanks for replying. My wife and I sent another batch of letters this morning. Hopefully, we'll get something back at some point. Ethan is our oldest (of three) and had always resisted the idea of joining the military, but realized eventually that it was a great opportunity for him to get out of the house and do something positive with his life.

I'm still trying to find my Son's PIR and his ship. He just arrived there on Tuesday (March 20) so I'm guessing he's in a different Division than your sons? True? How do you find out the PIR - is it only from your son?

Thanks Paul, I was checking that, but it's only out as far as May 4. It sounds like I will have to wait a bit more. I have a call out to the recruiter right now and he said he should be able to find it and let me know for sure after he gets back in front of his computer.

I think RTC updates on Tuesdays......

Just found out that my son is on Ship 4, Div 812. Don't know the PIR date yet... but not sure if it will be 5/11 or 5/18....

Thanks for starting the discussion, Mike.  My son Jess is in this division. We are eagerly awaiting our first letter from him!



My son is also PIR on 5/11. Ship 11 Div 141.

I'll be driving the family and girlfriend up.

Karl Meyer said:

Thanks for starting the discussion, Mike.  My son Jess is in this division. We are eagerly awaiting our first letter from him!



I talked to my son a few hours after battle stations.  He was excited and had great news for us. 

He's now an E-3, and will be stationed back in our state for A school. He will be close enough for us to drive down on a weekend and see him if he has time.

We're excited and look forward to seeing him next week.



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