Navy Dads

Hi Dads,

     Just looking for any other Dads with sailor recruits in this ship & division. This is my second son who joined the Navy, so I may have some insight that may be helpful to other Dads who don't have any experience with boot camp and the final PIR (Parade in Review).

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Hey Randy, 

I'll take any of the help/info you want to give.  My head feels like it's spinning trying to decide where to stay for PIR, when to book the reservations, drive or not drive on base, etc.  I understand from my son that he does many functions with your son's DIV.  My son is Ship 12/Div 370.

Hi Randy i will take any help that you may also my son is ship 3 div 368 pir 11-10-11

Hi Guys,

    A couple of things that we found the last time we went to GL. We stayed at a hotel that had the bus / taxi service to the base and I would highly recommend it again. There are quite a few motels that are recommended read anything on 'PIR' (Parade In Review). When our other son went to GL in 2009, he was a Grad-n-Go, which meant he had to leave almost immediately after the PIR. We got to talk to him for 45 minutes in the NEX that day and again at O'Hare for 3 hrs. when he was waiting on his flight to Groton, CT. I don't think the Navy does this anymore. I have read where some sailors fly out the following day, but usually they get the weekend off and just have to return to the base by 9pm. All of this can influence where you stay. We stayed at a Hyatt Place near O'Hare and would highly recommend it (fairly reasonable for a small suite, lots of shopping and restaurants). 

    Just a note of caution, make sure that if you make a reservation that it can be changed if there is a delay with your sailors division, most do. Again when our other son went in, there was a division that was held back an extra week because they weren't doing what the instructors wanted. Hopefully our sailor recruits are gelling and working like a team.

    Another suggestion, arrive the night before Weds 9th and attend the division's Family Meet & Greet. Div 369 is meeting at the Ramanda 6 - 8pm. We went last time and it was a very good time. The NavyMom website has lots of contacts and even more insight as to what goes on, it's worth looking at. My wife is a member. 


    Hope this helps, if you have any other questions I'll try to help.



Thanks Randy, I've looked and tried to study everything I can read or watch pertaining to all of this stuff.  It definitely gets your head spinning.  Even the PIR section on the hotels here at Navy Dads, it help but is also confusing at the same time.  If you use the taxi/shuttle, is your son allowed to come back with you?  I'm also hoping that since they are graduating a day early that we'll get to spend Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday with him, does that sound right (minus the Grad and Go business)?  Do they usually fly out on Mondays?


Anyway, your a great help and if you don't mind I'll continue to lean on you for the next few weeks, you're really appreciated 




what do you need answers on....the question about your sailor coming back with depends.  Until your sailor receives his orders he won't know what his status is...a lot of flights were traditionally on the day following PIR.


You often will not know what the status of your sailor is until you see him at PIR.  That is why we stress being prepared to be flexible with your plans.  There are a lot lot of choices for depends how much you want to spend and how far away from the base you want to be.

Hi Guys,

     Just heard from my son. He called needing more info for his background checks (assuming for his rated clearance). He sounds tired, but he said he starting to feel better after all the shots they are given.

     He also sounded somewhat disappointed with his division, they received 3 demerits and had to complete an extra hour of IT(intensive training) yesterday. He said that there is talk about their graduation being delayed until after Thanksgiving. Supposedly some of the recruits keep talking and aren't getting their stuff done right. He knows that the Chiefs & Petty officers aren't fooling when they say they have to get it together. I suggested that he or someone else needs to step up and get the other recruits tow the line. He is a former athlete and understands what working together means, I told him to start convincing the others. He always took the attitude that he should shut up, listen to the yelling and then just go out and do what the coach said. He told me he thinks that "some of the recruits think of Boot camp as going to summer camp and they aren't taking it seriously, as their job". My son is a strong supporter for doing the right thing but not always a vocal leader. If your child has this skill ask them to step up and I know my son Patrick would have his/her back.

    If anyone has heard from your recruit I would be anxious to hear what they have to say.

Hi Guys,

   We heard from our son on Tuesday evening. Sounds like the division is coming around. No demerits lately. His tone seemed vastly improved and looks like they will be on time with a Nov 10 grad. date. Hoope all is well with your sailor recruits.

Hey Randy,
We got to hear from our son Wednesday...boy we sure needed that. He, too, sounds good. He said that if they start working better as a team they may get to make an additional call soon. He sounded tired but positive and is ready to get this behind him. Off of his call, I went ahead and made our flight arrangements. He said, don't worry dad, I'm not going to spend one more day here than I have to...hahah. Nov 10th can't get here fast enough for either one of us.



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