Navy Dads

This discussion forum is for any Dad who has a son in the above divisions graduating on September 20, 2013.  Our son is in 352, currently headed down the nuke path.  If you have a son in either of these divisions please join in, it would be great to connect.

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Hi Evan,  My son is also on ship14 Div 352.

He left from Pittsburgh PA on July 16th.

We just had our first contact from him this past Saturday, when he called.  He's in good spirits and doing well.  I'm looking forward to PIR on 9/20!

Ours called his girlfriend Saturday morning, and then she called my wife and I about 8 am.  He left from Nashville, TN on the 17th.  Glad to hear your son is adapting and enjoying it.  I think the division will benefit with having several squared away men.  Don't know if you're married or not, but make sure your wife joins the navyformoms site, there is a lot of support there as well.  Welcome aboard.

Stephen, a dad with a son in Div 354 posted a link to facebook to the Navy Recruit Training Command page.  They apparently post random pics each week, so you may catch a shot of your son.

Thank-you for the info Evan. My wife and I will definitely check it out! That would be nice to catch a glimpse of him.

Hey the above link is for the group for Sarge's Meet & Greet for the 9/20 grad date.  Everyone on the forum seems to agree this is a good use of time prior to PIR.

Just received our first mail on thursday from our son. And was surprised with another phone call this morning for about 20 min. That's two Saturdays in a row wahoo! All is still goin good! He said other recruits were talking about their parents being on :)

We got one this morning as well. That's already one more than we were expecting.  I thought all we would get was the "I'm a Sailor" call and the "I got here" call.  My wife is thrilled.  I don't know if you (or your wife, if appropriate) get on facebook much, but there is a 9/20 PIR group there as well.  Very active group.

trouble with Facebook PIR groups....there is a ton of Navy after PIR that is not addressed.................

Paul, I totally agree.  I've already signed into the Nuke Dads group and am picking up plenty of good info ahead of our son heading for Goose Creek after PIR.  I have also promoted on the FB group.  Any way people can connect is good.  It has been interesting watching the difference in type of discussion relative to OPSEC between the fb group and navyformoms.  Both are public forums, but people seem to think it is okay discussing sensitive things on fb that they don't bring up on navydads/moms.  More an observation than a criticism.

the Nuke journey can be long and riddled with'll need the support and expertise of those that preceded you! And they'll let you know the best places to stay and eat when you visit!

We are all looking forward to the journey.  It looks like one of our son's shipmates at BC is from Goose Creek.  We're going to try to meet them at PIR in case our son needs anything on short notice.



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