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My son mentioned he didn't pass his first physical test. Said he struggled with the running time. So, what happens if he doesn't pass the second one?

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I just missed a call from my son. He said he didn't pass his final run and he would call back when he passed. He was due to go to Battle Stations tonight. I need help, we were scheduled to fly out Wednesday (11/9/11). Do we cancel our flights, hotels, etc? Do we try and reschedule for next week? I'm just sick for him and don't know what to do on our end. I think it sucks that they would wait two days prior to our departure to drop a bomb shell like this on us. Any help would be greatly appreciated, or any way I can contact someone for additional info.

My son was in the same position and he was given another opportunity to pass the run on 
Thursday morning, which he again did not pass, but we did not know this since we did not hear from him again. We went to the Graduation anyway and were able to spend two hours with him, which he told us later was what he needed to pass the run the next week.  After missing by 8 and 15 seconds he passed by almost a minute.


I am glad that we went since by not passing the run by Graduation he would not have been able to participate in a ceremony at a later time and we were able to visit with him.


Does he want to stay in the military?

How far over is he going in time?

As long as your physically healthy the run they are asking for is not impossible. They will recycle him to get through. It sucks for you to have to wonder up to the last minute, but maybe he is just not committed to the program. He should have been telling you all along. Every one has to do the regimen 3 times, even if they already passed the first time. Sailorette told me when she failed her first and passed her second. They also dont let you slack on the exercises on any attempt either.

I dont know what I would do in your situation, but they do get the chance every other day to do the run.


To save $$ Id cancel my rooms 1st. I think they have a 48 hr policy. The flights you could probably cancel last minute.

Thanks, Greg. Do I understand you to say that he ended up graduating the next week? This is where we're lost...the unknown. Will he go ahead and participate tonight in Battle Stations? I can't imagine that they would let him since he hasn't passed the run.
He called last Thursday night and said he had to make his run the next morning at 4:30. We never heard anything on Friday and decided that it was a good sign. On Saturday, since his Division had done so good, he was allowed a call home. We asked him about the run, and he said they never told him anything, good or bad. We felt that this too was a good sign. He said he ran 13 laps in 13 minutes, I'm not sure why the 13 laps. I can't imagine why they wouldn't have told him then that he didn't pass. He was actually excited and said he'd see us in 5 days.

I hear ya man I think the communication channels they "privilege" us with sucks. but as they say, He belongs to the military now, theyre cutting the apron strings and youve got to get use to it. 


best of luck .


Mark, Once he passes the run he will be able to go through Battle Stations with the next group going through.  If he does not pass his run prior to Thursday and has to go through Battle Stations Thursday night, he will graduate, but will not participate in the Graduation Ceremonies, but will receive Liberty.


If he does not pass prior to Friday, he will not receive Liberty and you will be able to spend two hours visiting with him, usually between Noon and 2:00 PM on Friday.  Then once he passes the run, he will go through BS with the next group and once that is completed he will be finished.



Greg, would you mind sending me your phone number via email? I'm still confused and could really use someone to talk to right now. My email is
I think greg forgot friday is veterans day



I got some "partial comments" info (posted today) below off of the U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command facebook public site - A parent posted a similar experience but with her daughter regarding PFA:


Parent Question: "RTC, what happens if they do not pass the PFA and are put in a "holding" group. She said that she gets to try again on Wednesday, but her scheduled PIR is Thursday. If I come there, and she did not pass, will I be informed ahead of time or do I have to wait for the ceremony to find out? And will I get to see her or spend any time with her? I am in limbo and not sure where to turn."

U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command: "She will not get another phone call until she passes her PFA and Battle Stations. If you do not hear from her, that means she did not pass. If she passes both by Thursday, then she will graduate on time. If she doesn't, she will remain in the FIT division where instructors are working with her and other recruits solely on helping them to pass their PFA.

If you arrive and she still has not passed, you would have to check with the Public Affairs Office the morning of graduation to see if a visit would be granted. If one is approved, it would be for two hours at a specific time that same day and she must stay in a designated meeting room in the visitors center."

U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command: "Think positive thoughts and envision her passing her run! The instructors are wonderful that work with the recruits. They truly do want to see them succeed and actually run alongside the recruits to help motivate them during the run."


Check the RTC facebook site per my above link to see "all" of the comments regarding this post.

hope this helps,

I'm curious to hear from Mark what the status is.

I do understand why they can't keep us informed. Once in, they are treated as adults and their one goal is getting them through boot camp, not worrying about who is updated.

My SR had missed badly on his first two runs, but the third time, they run with him, not to mention they misled him on the time needed, so if he had barely missed, he would have been ok. As it turned out, his last run he made it with more than a minute to spare.

I can definitely understand the frustration the loved ones have, but you need to be aware the Navy does everything possible to help the recruits to pass.



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