Navy Dads


Care Packages

Care Packages for Our Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen can brighten an otherwise dark day.

Use this area to share ideas and addresses for Care Packages!

Members: 97
Latest Activity: Mar 3, 2020

Let's Have a Clearing House for Care Package Ideas and Addresses


Many of us send care packages to our sons and daughters scattered around the globe. Often we would like to do more....

I thought we might use this space to develop ideas of things to ship to our troops protecting our freedom. Also we might look at setting up a list of addresses that we could use to ship to. It is Girl Scout cookie season and I know one of our members sends cookies to troops all over. I've sent phone cards to combat areas through the USO so our soldiers could call home for the holidays. I'm sure there are hundreds of ideas out there....lets support our troops by sending them the things from home they miss and to let them them know that America supports them.



I've had some requests for the care package label template:


Updated (7 Sept 2013)!! here is the Microsoft Publisher template- Avery 5163 label: 


NavyDads Mailing Labels


and the PDF for it: NavyDadsLabelversion2nosignature1-5.pdf


Use this .zip file for PDF version


APO/FPO/DPO Guidelines& Restrictions guide for USPS

Watch a video to learn how to print a shipping label with a customs form

Complete customs forms online

USPS "FREE" Military Care Kit or the "Mili-Kit"

Discussion Forum

care packages

Started by jim peterson. Last reply by Ralph Pinney Feb 2, 2014. 2 Replies

9-Digit ZIP Code is Key to Getting Mail...

Started by NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary Sep 10, 2013. 0 Replies

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Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on April 20, 2009 at 7:21pm
Just as an aside, I talked to a number of sailors on the Tiger Cruise about goodies in care packages...the OVERWHELMING favorite of ALL ITEMS---- you guessed it....jerky (and tobacco products, but being good parents we're not sending chew are we.........a huge favorite too)
Comment by E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin on April 19, 2009 at 8:12am
I wanted to update every one on the status of the care package. We have broken $1,000! HooYah! I will be sending the package's off by this Wednesday at the latest. Once Cindy and I have everything bought and ready to ship we will take pictures to post on the site.

Paige has given me a great list of items to buy - Microwave Popcorn, Crunch N' Munch/Cracker Jacks, Gum, Candy, Peanuts, Cashews, Hot Coco Mixes, Rice Crispy Treats, Brownies, Cookies, Granola Bars, Pop Tarts, Powdered Drink Mixes (Ex. - Crystal Lite or Gatorade individual serving packages), Decks of Playing Cards, Smurf Balls with a Basketball Ring/Hoop, and Board Games. If anyone has an item to add, please post it.

Thanks again for every one's support in the our mission, whether by donations, prayers, ideas, or support they are very appreciated. I can't thank everyone enough.
Comment by Colinsmom223 on April 18, 2009 at 9:28am
What a great idea. Thanks for organizing the Thank You packages. Please keep us informed of the status.
Comment by lauren on April 15, 2009 at 8:11pm
Forever, "Fair Winds & Following Seas" Thank You
Comment by E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin on April 15, 2009 at 8:01pm
Paige thank you, I'll be waiting for it and we'll look at sending the package off Tues or Wed. I have a friend that owns a printing company and he is also buying some items to send and has told me that he will do all the labels for free. He just needs to know what to put on them. So I'm looking for some ideas. Labels like Thanks You, Navy Moms Thank You, HooYah! Go Navy!, Your Navy Family Supports You, etc. I want to plaster the boxes with these labels. If any one remembers when the coyote would get his Acme crate to build a rocket or something in the Road Runner. It was covered in labels like Danger, Explosive, Acme, etc. This is what our boxes will look like going out. I can't wait to get pics of them to show every one. So every one put your thinking caps on and come up with some phrases.
Comment by lauren on April 15, 2009 at 7:31pm
Ok I have great news !!!!
Over at N4M's a wonderful mom Terri started a group Knit for the Navy. We have been working on making all kinds of blankets for sailors.
Well the good news is after me telling her about how much I loved this site, she has started a"sis" group so please if your interested come join us we have a BIG project ahead of us.....

When you decide upon a goal, you override your failure mechanism and change the direction of your life.
Peace and Blessing
Comment by Paige on April 15, 2009 at 9:40am
EG, thank you for all the info. I can only imagine how crazy things have been for you, especially lately. I will be spending Sat. & Sun. getting the jerky made up and I will have it all packed up and shipped to you first thing Monday morning. I will send it priority mail, so you should have it by Wed. Please send me a PM with your address when you have time. I have heard mentioned many times that the jerky is one of the most requested items. Normally I package my jerky in quart size bags, but this time I'm going to put it in pint size bags. This way it will make it possible to distribute the jerky out to even more sailors.
Thank you again for all that you are doing to make this happen!!
Comment by E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin on April 14, 2009 at 8:29pm
Also, I want everyone to know that I'm plastering the boxes with labels that say Navy Dads, Navy Moms, Navy Family, Navy Supporters,, etc. I want the Sailors to know where this came from so every one will be represented.
Comment by E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin on April 14, 2009 at 8:26pm
Paige sorry for getting back to you so late, it's been a crazy day and also thank you for your donation, you are to kind. I would love to send them all out together. It might be tough to do though. Let me know what you think. If we can all come up with a ship date, then we will be able to see if that is possible. I would like to get it off by Monday but if we can get everything here and shipped by next Friday then I would think that would be OK. So if you and everybody else can ship it to me by Thursday of next week we can send it together. If it's easier for those that are doing jerky, cakes, etc sending them off from where they are is fine with me. I will give you all the address. My son told me that the jerky is the most welcomed treat for the Sailors. He said everyone loves it. So thank you for going that extra mile in doing this for them. They'll be some happy Sailors on the Bainbridge.

I plan on taking the money we raise and buying as many things as we can. Lots of ideas from my son. We are going to get them things that aren't available on the ship like certain soups, Gatorade packets, snacks, etc and some phone cards possibly. It all depends on the amount we raise. Also I want everyone's ideas of what we can buy to send them. I would love to get everything together to take pics of what all were sending them for the site for everyone to see.

Well enough rambling from me, let me know what everyone thinks.
Comment by Paige on April 14, 2009 at 9:32am
To go along with my Pay Pal donation, I am also going to make up a bunch of homemade jerky to send to the Bainbridge sailors. Will you be collecting all the donated items from the members to include with the boxes you're putting together or are you requesting that the members who are contributing to send their own packages out? I'm just trying to plan ahead here. Because of the length of time it takes to make the jerky, I will not be able to get it made until this coming weekend and can have it ready to ship out on Monday morning.
You are probably overwhelmed with all you're trying to do right now, so please let me know if there is anything I can do to help from my end of the country. Thank you for planning and organizing this project! There is going to be some very happy sailors on the USS Bainbridge.

Members (95)



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