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Navy Cryptology


Navy Cryptology

Navy Cryptology: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing as a Cryptology Technician in the United States Navy.

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Members: 139
Latest Activity: Jul 5, 2023

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Holiday visit to Pensacola CTT A-School

Started by David Keith. Last reply by David Keith Oct 26, 2015. 3 Replies

How difficult is A school

Started by Mark Davis. Last reply by Eric Mount May 10, 2013. 6 Replies

On Hold

Started by Jack W Hensley Apr 26, 2012. 0 Replies

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Comment by Bryant Rogers on April 18, 2018 at 7:12pm

My son graduated from Corry earlier this month and has about three weeks to report. Not sure what all goes into determining that(maybe distance to duty station?) or if that is kind of standard. Good luck and enjoy some time with your sailor!

Comment by Mike Bubb on April 17, 2018 at 10:21pm

Well, it looks like our sailor is going to make it through!  He is really anxious to start working after being in school for 6 months.  Just to set the stage, there are a lot more possibilities for first duty stations - some are taking shipboard deployments, previously unheard of.  We are trying to determine how much time he may have off after graduation.  Does anyone have any information regarding the gap between graduation and report date?

Comment by Mike Bubb on December 24, 2017 at 10:48am

For those interested in class up time at Corry Station, my son arrived in the fall of 2017 and waited about 1 month.  We visited on thanksgiving (since he only had Thursday and Friday off), we made dinner in our hotel room!

Also, be patient regarding approval of Christmas leave - my son's leave was approved 4 days before Christmas.  My advice is to put their leave chits in early and book refundable tickets early as the prices go up and availability goes down rapidly.  

Comment by Dustin on March 15, 2017 at 11:54am

Hi Tom --

I had the same question when our sailor arrived at Corry Station for CTN A School last fall. I think you're on track with 'however long it takes' to class-up. We were prepared for a wait of months, even. Luckily, our sailor classed-up in about a week from arrival.

Comment by Tom Brown on March 15, 2017 at 11:22am

I don't think we can write about specific dates so please don't mention them; I think its OK to write about generalities.  

My question has to do with start date for the next CT-N class at Corry Station. Does anyone know approximately how often they start - once a month, once a quarter, once a week? Or is there no way to know - do they just wait however long it takes to have enough people to start one? Thanks. 

Comment by Phil Shannon on December 15, 2016 at 11:11am

Those "bonus" calls sure give you an extra bounce in your step that day, don't they? I remember being worried about here at boot camp all the time, and then my phone rings, hear her voice, she sounds fine, that makes your day! She couldn't say much to me but having a chance to say "I love you" sure is a blessing during those stressful days.

Comment by Richard J. Ramirez on December 14, 2016 at 3:30pm

Hello Chris, First I wish you and yours, especially your Sailor a very Happy Holiday.  Our Son, (PO2) just celebrated his third year in the Navy this November.  He too is a CTI and absolutely loves his work, which we have no idea what he does, as you probably know by know, CTI's don't/can't talk about their work (Google CTI Spook for more details).  Your Sailor will be headed to the Defense Language Institute come separation from Basic.  The good News, Monterey, CA is absolutely beautiful nearly all year long.  Leave will allow a quick trip to San Francisco or Sacramento, when time allows.  The bad News News, time will not allow for much leave.  The  program is in a word, intense.  A non "X" speaking Sailor goes in, and a Sailor fluent in "X" comes out.  I am telling you, had I not seen and heard it with my own eyes and ears I would not have believed it possible; but it is intense!  Fortunately, the military has been at this for a while and they really know how to have their "charges" succeed.  Our Sailor loved it so much there is a slim possibility he may be back for a second go, but that will require re-upping.  In the meantime, he LOVES his work.  The best part is the CTI's that went to basic (and you'll find they are a small group), may stay together through their first tour which is an added plus; as you'll find the CTI rate is a highly selective group.  Well, keep us posted and God Bless you and your Sailor.  Rich

Comment by Dustin on December 14, 2016 at 3:12pm

That's great, Chris! It's always a treat to hear from your SR while in boot camp. You can't help but wonder how they're doing 24/7. And you think you're proud now? Just wait until that door opens at Ceremonial Hall at PIR. It's everything you'll read here.

It's also refreshing to read a similar story. Mine was regular programming prodigy from elementary school on. When interviewing for an internship at a Cybersecurity firm while still in high school, it was revealed that the college route was 10 years behind the industry and his current knowledge. I too was a little shocked the day he came home and told us he was going to the Navy to become a CTN. But moments later realized he made a very wise decision, and I couldn't be more proud him. (And no massive college debt!)

Comment by Phil Shannon on December 14, 2016 at 2:10pm

When my daughter signed up we had a crash course on US Navy, nobody in our families had served. My dad was US Army, and my father in law was US Air Force. Luckily I had a couple of friends, including a career Navy guy that I knew from high school. They helped guide us through the "chose your rate choose your fate" decision. Career Navy guy said if his daughter were to sign up he'd steer her towards the CT* rates, which led us to pick CTT. He says these prepare you for great civilian jobs. Good luck to your son, CTI is a great career choice in my book! Right now she is CTT1 (Petty Officer 1st Class) and has had a great experience serving in the US Navy

Comment by Dustin on December 14, 2016 at 8:04am

Hi Chris,

I wouldn't sweat it. We had similar concerns -- that the SSBI not being completed by the time he finished boot camp would effect his rating; that he might have to choose something else. Our sailor (CTN), graduated boot camp on 9/30/16, is now over two months into classes at A school, and *still* there is no indication that his SSBI has begun -- no friends or family have been contacted yet, anyway.

But during boot camp there were indications that some, for lack of the correct term, preliminary screening was going on. On two occasions he had to call us from boot camp when additional contacts for the SSBI were required. So that's a bonus! One occasion was rather relaxed, while the other was under time constraints and no other conversation was allowed -- I had to scramble to get contacts out of his phone (now dead), and ended up texting them to a Special Agent.

Having no red flags in whatever preliminary screening they did of him in boot camp, he was allowed to class-up under a temporary security clearance at A school, and is thriving in his element. Now I'll probably get that knock at the door, finally...


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Phishing for Info

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Before A School

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Off to A School

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Son leaves for San Diego

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Form letter

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Boot Camp

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Ship 10 Div 114

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Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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