Navy Dads


Once sailors are done with "A" school, they are required to complete "C" school (specialty or technical school).  There are 5 different schools and as far as I know (I could be wrong) they don't get to choose assignments.

Here is the list of all 5 options and a brief description of each one of them.


  • NEC IS-3910 Naval Imagery Interpreter

Interprets all-source imagery intelligence, uses an electric light table (ELT) to interpret imagery, operates digital imagery systems, identifies and measures objects of intelligence interest found in imagery, prepares imagery interpretation reports, and maintains files related to imagery interpretation.


  • NEC IS-3912 Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Intelligence Specialist
Provides comprehensive intelligence support to NSW operations. Performs analytical assessment and all-source intelligence analysis. Conducts Joint Special Operations Forces (SOF) mission planning and analysis using standardized procedures in support of SOF. Identifies threats to NSW and SOF forces/platforms.  *Platforms = Ships, Aircraft, Tanks, Vehicles
  • NEC IS-3923 Strike Planning Applications
Conducts afloat tactical and operational level research, analysis and dissemination in support of strike operations. Fuse multi-source data into textual and graphical presentations of the battlefield and operational area to support power projection planning. Provides mensurable aim-points utilizing the Precision Targeting Workstation (PTW) in support of Navy Precision Guided Munition strike warfare. Provide integrated operational and environmental intelligence information to strike planners. Provide target intelligence to tactical mission planners and maintain tactical level targeting folders.
  • NEC IS-3924 Operational Intelligence (OPINTEL) Analyst
Fuses Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) and other SCI data into the general service (GENSER) products to provide an integrated all source C41 picture using the Tactical Command System (TCS).  Operates Tactical Receive Equipment (TRE) and TCS systems. Performs GCCS-M operations, ELINT fundamentals and C41 concepts including OTH-T principles and communications connectivity at an SCI level. 
  • NEC IS-3913 Counter Intelligence

Classified information.


Source of information (

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My Husband got OPINTEL from what I understand it is the shortest "C School" I believe it is 6 weeks long. He just finished "A School" about 9 days ago and was able to come home on leave for a while. He is returning back to finish up "C School" It has been a wonderful week. We have a 3 yr old son who was so excited to see his Daddy, and our 10 month old daughter who is just getting to know him(he left for boot camp when she was only 4 months old). We have our first duty station and we are hoping to be back together as a family very soon.


Congrats NavyWife31 on your husband's career with OPINTEL.  You were very blessed to have your husband on leave in between schools.  I believe it was a good break for him and a chance to recharge his batteries to continue for another 6 weeks in his training.  I can imagine your 3 yr old son looking at his "hero-dad".  Everything is going to be alright for your family. 

My daughter got Imagery and is a 12 weeks school.  She was coming home for leave right after "A" school but 2 days prior to the home trip; she got class up and couldn't fly home.  Finally, she's graduating from "C" school on July 15th and is coming home for 12 days!!  She got her orders and no Europe or Hawaii for!  Continental US for her, close to Mom & Dad.

My son Mike is strike. Take take the grades from A school and go down the line as to what the sailors want. Mike wanted imagery, but there were only five slots and he was number seven in his class. Strike it is. Doe the most part they train and read since they are not actually delivering a "strike".

How long is A school?



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