Navy Dads

Hi everyone and happy 2012 to all of you!!  I’m very excited for our IS family. Our group page was created on June 2011 and I have to admit that I wasn’t sure if was going to work or not since Intelligence is a “you don’t need to know” job and it’s hard to get information about what our children are doing.  Thanks to the NavyDads admin for giving me the encouragement to bring up this group.  Now six months after we have 17 members and continue growing!! One of our member (my LT) Jim C. had an awesome idea to have the group listed on FB and I have to say, “That was a darn good idea LT” and the page is been visited quite often.  Again, everything still hush, hush but we are over comers and achievers. 

For 2012 I hope to triple the number of members and have more participation between ourselves (any ideas are more than welcome).  Our sons and daughters are proud of what we are doing but they can’t participate on the page (understandable). As we can see in the news our Intel community is very busy on the world issues.  If you come up with any article or website with topics of interest, don’t hesitated to post them in our page (pictures and videos too).  I only ask for you guys to “ALWAYS” keep OPSEC in mind when ever you are planning to post something.

So my friends, I want to finish by saying “HOOYAH” to our sons and daughters. God bless them and take care of them.  To all of you “Thanks” for been part of this group.




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Replies to This Discussion

Looks like a good group. Back in my days we worked out of the AIO (Air Intellegence Office) and were PT's (Photographic Intelligence Specialists). Many changes since the early 70's. Ahhhh ... memories.  :)

My daughter reported to IS "A" school today.  She said that if we send packages (food, electronics, anything of value) it is to be sent by certified mail.  I remember reading somewhere (I think on N4M) that actually, it is better to send those things Priority with a signature required as certified mail can take up to 2 weeks to be delivered.  Does anyone know if this is true or not?  Thanks in advance for your help.

Mrs. Becki, congrats on your daughter's "A" school.  My wife used to send the packages "Priority mail with tracking number" and used to take about 4-5 days from Florida.

Thank you, Gil.



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