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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Brad on January 30, 2013 at 8:48pm

Hey Cora, nice to hear from you!  Looks like our kids will be on the same base again soon!  Garrett also re-enlisted after his first 6 years for 4 more years, and will be leaving Atsugi for Pensacola to be a Rescue Swimmer Instructor in Feb and start March 3.  Maybe they will finally meet.  LOL.

Comment by TheresaH on January 30, 2013 at 2:53pm

Thank you all so much - I appreciate your prayers.  I want them to hurry and find out what is going on, and fix it.  I worry about him being out at sea and going into foreign ports.  However, these episodes happen at night, and haven't affected him at all during the day.  Very strange.  The corpsman say it sounds like seizures and the ship doc says sleep disorder - ?  I will keep you posted...  Mom says please give my son a CT, stat!

Comment by fishdad on January 29, 2013 at 9:12pm

Theresa, tell him to be aggressive about getting care. If he's not getting any help, or if things worsen, please let me know. In the meantime, I'm praying for him. 

Comment by blondie on January 29, 2013 at 12:13pm

Prayers going up TheresaH.  always hard to be away from them while they're sick and hurting.  HUGS

Comment by TheresaH on January 29, 2013 at 11:27am
So nice playing catch up and reading all about your kids! We enjoyed a Xmas visit from ours, and getting that first year in Japan behind us. My son really enjoys Japan and even received the Navy/marine corp achievement medal. I had mentioned before he began to loose a lot of hearing in one ear about eight months ago. Not too much was ever done by the Navy regarding that like his appointment with the ENT. Never happened. Now he he has developed some kind of almost seizure like episodes at night only happening about once a week! The ship doc didn't do anything suggesting it was a sleep disorder. Now that he had two of them happen in one night, he is being sent to a neurologist soon, and will have a sleep study done. These tests will happen soon - I hope! Would so appreciate some prayers for him, and that they get to the bottom of ALL his symptoms!
Comment by blondie on January 23, 2013 at 9:00am

Cora, wonderful news!  Congradulations and best of everything for your children. Hugs

my daughter is a E6 and stateside supposedly for 3 years but she is already squaking about going back to the Middle East. darn these kids!  lol 

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on January 23, 2013 at 5:00am

thanks for the update Cora...missed you around here!!!!

Comment by blondie on January 22, 2013 at 7:01am

Amen. Ric, I lost a BIL in Nam.....something you never forget.  Been to DC twice, I do the 6 mile loop everytime.  Korea, my Dad's war, WWII my uncles,  and so on.....they are all very moving and yes, you can feel the spirit.  I worry and pray for my daughter's mental health everyday.


Mark, any idea what his plans from here forward will be?  we wish him the best in life.


fishdad, Wonderful news!  I'll be sure to pass it along the prayer line.  Still praying for his complete recovery.


news on Nick!
It was a wonderful Christmas break! We were all together at home again. God is good. Nick was comfortable in the new room and bathroom. Thanks to the talented guys that got it ready in a very short time. You guys are awesome! Had to return a few days early due to a medical issue. Got it all checked out by the medical team here and all is OK. Convolescence leave ended yesterday so now its back to the task of rehab work. Got some new milestones on the near horizon; 1st set of prosthetic legs are built and ready to go; clearance to get into the pool has been obtained and Nick should be getting wet this week. (I brought my bathing suit back but I dont think I'm allowed to get in. Their loss, I have a pretty mean cannonball.) (Steve)



Comment by fishdad on January 21, 2013 at 7:57pm

Heard one of our Dads was surprised with not only a visit from his son this weekend but with tickets to the Penguins/Rangers game. I bet it was an awesome weekend!!

Our Sailor will be permanently State Side in a couple of weeks. We are greatly looking forward to him finally getting the medical care he's been needing for quite some time as well as living in the same time zone! 

Comment by Ric Frost on January 19, 2013 at 1:36pm

I appreciate your thanks everyone.

It is difficult coming back in here to look for rare pictures of my son and his activities. I've become somewhat numb from the time and distance not seeing him for years. We all sacrifice for the mission no matter our station in life and there are many in our nation that just don't understand or "get it" in terms of what we live with. It is not easy to share the feelings of isolation, especially those of us that remember being castigated for our service related to Viet Nam. I did no personally serve, being in the first year of the draft lottery system, but I was in ROTC and other field training activities at Ft. Bliss (raised in El Paso, Tx) preparing to go. Of my unit of 86, all but 10 went. We lost 12 in country and of those that came home, all suffered extensive PTSD and other issues which ended up with all of them eventually taking their own path out of life. I live with all of them each and every day and have made the pilgrimage to The Wall to find their names, so to have one of my own in service over a decade is a source of great pride and silent conflict at the same time. It isn't easy living with ongoing pain and is difficult to talk about it.

God bless all of you and may He watch over all of us.


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