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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by blondie on October 15, 2012 at 7:26am

It is so weird thinking our children may know each other or have served together...

If you get a chance....I loved Japan and it's culture.  Is Ikumi in Japan with hime now?

Comment by fishdad on October 12, 2012 at 9:53pm

Oh Chris. Your son will be in my prayers. My son was in Sasebo for a while last year after the earthquake/tsunami. He told me that it was a beautiful, peaceful place. Hoping that it's been a healing place for your son to be. I'll be praying, as well, that he gets Hawaii or Guam (although Hawaii would be an awesome place for you to visit). He has more than earned his chance to spend some time in 'paradise'.

Comment by blondie on October 11, 2012 at 10:17am

Congrads to all those coming back to the states!  My daughter was over seas for over 4 years(almost 5) also, she got back to the states this past May.  She's still a day away from us, but my heart is glad she's on American soil!  Mark my daughter went through the Japan disasters also plus 2 years in the Middle East, so I agree there's no better feeling.

Comment by Richard Klein on October 10, 2012 at 9:44pm

   Hey Brad

   Finally I see there is someone on here that has a son in the same squadron my son is in. My son is a ao and has been there almost two years. He loves Japan but also wants to get back on American soil. He is waiting to take leave untill he gets back so the airfair will be cheaper. I saw the video and thought it was good even though I did'nt see my son in it. Anyhow it is good to see someone else on here from the squad.


Comment by Brad on October 10, 2012 at 6:05pm

Just uploaded the "Last Ride" video from my son's HS-14 squardron as they complete their last tour while stationed out of Japan.  This squadron will be coming back to the states early next year as part of a rotation to become re-trained on new helos.  It is a neat show of what they got to do out there.  After 4 years abroad, my son will be coming home to the states again!

Comment by fishdad on September 30, 2012 at 1:52pm

As of Sept 30, 2:51 p.m.

Latest Updates

[2:16am - Mon, Oct 1. 2012 (JST)]

According to JMA, Typhoon Jelawat is traveling North of Fukushima. It's bringing heavy rain to Tohoku area where were devasted by March 11 Earthquake and Tsunami.

Since the land is unstable due to last year's earthquake and tsunami, Tohoku region has higher risk of flooding. The wind is still strong. The people in the affected area should be on high alert and listening to the warnings from the local authorities. But the weather should calm down by the mid day today.

The most of the threats in Kanto (Tokyo) region are gone. However, because of unstable land condition, the risk of landslides and flooding are still remained for a while. The people, especially who live near water, cliff and/or mountain, should pay attention to the local news.

The public transportation in Tokyo was complete mess. However the most of the transportations are expected to resume the regular operation by the morning unless there are flooding or landslides.

JMA still gives out the caution to the public to prepare against strong wind, heavy rain, landslide, high tide, thunder and tournades until the Typhoon passes the region completely.

* Now YokosoNews conclude the regular updates of Typhoon Jelawat since it passed Tokyo area.


[9:15pm - Sun, Sep 30. 2012 (JST)]

After landing East Aichi at 7pm, Typhoon Jelawat is now traveling Nagano Pref towards Tokyo.

It's bringing heavy rain in Shizuoka and Yamanashi. Tokyo is also experiencing heavy rain and wind at the moment. Kanto (Tokyo) region may experience heavy rain through midnight.

The weather in Tokai region calmed down. However, the high tide led the worse flooding in many parts of Aichi & Mie Pref. Nagoya city issued the evacuation advisory to its 56,000 residents who live near Fukuda River at 6:40pm.

The public transportation is still in mess in many region of Tokai (Aichi, Mie, Gifu, & Shizuoka) and Kanto (Tokai, Yamanashi, Kanagawa, Chiba and etc), including Shinkansen line. The disruption may last throughout tonight, and will shift to North (Tohoku region) tomorrow morning.

The people in the affected areas should remain on high alert against heavy rain, wind, flooding, tornades and thunder.


The peak hours of wind and rain between Sep 30 - Oct 1, 2012 (by JMA)

Region Wind Peak Period Rain Peak Period
Shikoku Passed its peak Passed its peak
Kinki (Osaka) Through 9pm Through 9pm
Tokai (Nagoya) Through night Through late night
Kanto (Tokyo) Through late night Through late night
North Japan (Tohoku) From the late night through tomorrow morning From the late night through tomorrow morning


Comment by Alan Willard on August 20, 2012 at 6:36pm

My son is on the USS Bonhomme Richard and I need to get a power of attourney from him in order to sell his motorcycle for him. He had recently bought it and never had the title changed into his name. Does anyone know if this is possible for him to do from the ship?

Comment by TheresaH on July 22, 2012 at 1:46pm

Thank you so much for the prayers, Blondie - it means a lot!

Comment by blondie on July 20, 2012 at 9:00am

Praise be to God.  Thanking him for his Faithfulness and asking for complete hearing and healing for your son.

I have told you these things so that you would find comfort in Me. In this world, you will suffer; but be courageous, for I have overcome the world!" - John 16:33

Comment by TheresaH on July 20, 2012 at 8:49am

Yes, sad news indeed - prayers for the families, for sure.

We finally have some news regarding my son's hearing loss!  He has some broken or dislocated bones in his ear.  This will be repaired at a military hospital in Japan.  My son was relieved he wasn't going to be let go because of the hearing loss.  However, if the surgery is not successful, he will be re-rated.  He is an FC and will not be able to be around the weapons with the hearing loss, if the hearing is not restored.  Trying to not go to the worst-case scenario and wondering what he would be re-rated to - ?  I am very thankful, though, that they will try to fix his ear!


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