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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by blondie on December 19, 2011 at 7:31am

Praise be to God!  Cora, I know what you go too!  heard from sailor, 2 min. call, kept cutting out but heard the joy and Love. thanks Fishdad.

Comment by fishdad on December 18, 2011 at 10:30pm

 I hope this means good things for North Korea. 

Comment by blondie on December 15, 2011 at 6:53am

Congrads to those going to Japan, we went last year for christmas and New Years, spent a whole week touring, was tired of trains. lol there is alot too do there.  we spent 2 days in Kamakura, stayed in a hostel....while waiting on sailor to get leave.  first day there she showed us their money and how to use a ATM! (we're old and stupid, LOL) then how to use the train station and we were off, but the best part was the last 4 days when we went back packing with her, seen alot of history!  Loved it

Comment by fishdad on December 14, 2011 at 11:49pm

We got a call from Heath's surgeon about 15 minutes ago. The surgery went as well as we could have hoped. He found a large amount of scar tissue, but no tears. He said that there is alot of swelling, but that he expects Heath to be able to put weight on it quickly and that PT will begin on Monday. He said that there will be a fair amount of pain at first, but he expects a full recovery. We're praising God for the good news. Thanks for all of the prayers!

Comment by fishdad on December 14, 2011 at 11:45pm

Well, I didn't get to do an awful lot while I was there, but I did eat as much of the food as possible. Someone told me "If they put it in front of you, eat only live once". So, lol, I did. And I was only disappointed once. We did spend a day in Kamakura, which is just North of Yokosuka, about a 30 train ride. It's a lovely little fishing village with many temples and little shops and restaurants. I'm not sure what it will be like in the winter. As far as a hotel I was blessed to be able to get a room at the DOD, which is right on the base. Nice little suite with a kitchenette and very reasonable. The only place close to the base that I wouldn't recommend is the one with the Statue of Liberty on top of it. They call it the "Love Hotel" seems that's where ...well, I'll let you figure that one out. Make sure you check out the local markets too. And I'm sure that your Sailor will take you out to Blue Street. How nice that you will have someone from Japan to help you experience the culture. You will love the Japanese people. Very kind, very helpful and respectful people. Have a wonderful trip. And congratulations on your new daughter-in-law!!

Comment by Larry Gaither on December 14, 2011 at 6:56pm

Congrats Ed.  Enjoy we plan to.  

Fishdad  We are planning on seeing everything we can and trying everything.  James wanted to go to Japan so bad and when he did he has tried to do as much as he can.  Now he wants to show us.

He is stationed in Yokosuka.  We are going there as well as south.  He had gotten married in November and we are having the ceremony in her home town when we get there. So we are going to experience some true Japanese culture.

Any suggestions on hotels or anything to do whilethere pleaselet us know.

Comment by Ed A on December 14, 2011 at 4:42pm

Headed to Japan Tuesday! It will be the first complete family gathering in almost two years!!

Comment by fishdad on December 14, 2011 at 2:43pm

You'll love Japan Larry! Make sure you get some Ramen. It's out of this world fantastic! Where is your son stationed? you know that you have the same name as a very famous singer? 

Comment by Larry Gaither on December 14, 2011 at 9:48am

Congrats to all those coming home for the holidays.  My wife and I are going to Japan to see our son on his leave in January.  So we will have our Holidays there.

Comment by blondie on December 14, 2011 at 7:16am

welcome home to all those that made it home for the Holidays and Merry Christmas too all.


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