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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Brad on December 13, 2011 at 8:04pm

Thanks everyone!  Brandon, glad Michael is coming home too!  Your right, words cannot describe how nice it will be.  Blondie and Cora, wish there was a way to make it happen for you as well.  Skype was how we did it as well, love technology for that!  Mark, I am sure you are happy your son is stateside now and can enjoy the gatherings from now on.  Those coming stateside soon will enjoy that soon!  Again, all the best to all your sailors still away from home.  We are praying for them to feel your hearts close to them during the holidays. 

Comment by blondie on December 13, 2011 at 8:49am

Cora, glad to hear she'll be state-side soon!  Hoping mine takes that route this time.  that is great that you will have family near her. thanks for the finger snap, I've tried a voodoo doll too. LOL  dont' feel sorry for me, we went to Japan last Christmas and New Years. seems liek forever ago, with everything that has been happening over there and back home here. first and Only holiday since 2006. but any time she is home is a holiday for us.  we've never gotten to Skype her for Christmas, but this year could be different, wait and see....Navy time!  LOL  skype is wonderful when we can, this year only twice so far, she's been pretty busy, like all your kids.  it's that letting go thing.... our stings were just cut all at once. no coming home on weekends, holidays or summers.  still better then nam.

Comment by Brandon S. on December 13, 2011 at 7:56am

Mark, as always I smile when I see your posts. Looks like we all have much to look forward to this holiday. Enjoy your time together.

Comment by blondie on December 13, 2011 at 7:41am

I am SO jealous!  my daughter hasn't been home for any holiday since Christmas of 2006!  Oh, in 2010 she was home.....flew out Mother's Day morning.

Comment by blondie on December 13, 2011 at 6:54am

WooHoo!  so happy for you Brad, can my daughter hide in his luggage? lol  she'll be home in January for her brother's wedding, I just have to patient.


Brandon...dito!  happy for you all, just makes me miss my daughter more. lol  but I'll have my turn.

Comment by Brandon S. on December 13, 2011 at 6:08am

Great stuff Brad. Great to hear that you will have the family home together for Xmas. We are also looking forward to this Saturday when our son Michael will be coming home from Yokosuka. This will be the families first time together for holiday since he left for Japan. Words cannot explain how amazing this Xmas will be. Hoipe that yours is wonderful!

Comment by Brad on December 12, 2011 at 9:35pm

Finally, for the first time in 3 years Garrett is coming home for Christmas!  We are excited to pick him up Wed night.  Also, his sister and her husband (2nd Lt. in Marines) is also coming home to Orlando from where they are based at Miramar Air Base in San Deigo, California.  What a great holiday time it will be.  Praise God!  Hope all of you have a Merry Christmas!

Comment by fishdad on December 3, 2011 at 5:46pm

P.s. If you would like to be able to call her you can have international calling added to your phone. With Verizon it runs us $5.00 a month plus .29 cents a minute. 

Comment by fishdad on December 3, 2011 at 5:45pm

Hi John. Any smart phone will work. All she has to do is get a Skype account and she can call through Skype. She will have to purchase the phone in Japan though. They aren't allowed to use USA purchased phones in Japan as it interferes with one of their frequencies. She can get a decent deal on an iPhone out on Blue Street. The place is called Soft Phone I believe. Let me know if you have any questions and I can double check with my son. I'm sure he'd even be willing to take her out and show her where it is and explain how it works. 

@Blondie, the funny (okay, it's not really funny, maybe ironic) thing is that he had his alarm set on his phone but the quake shook it off of his night stand and broke it.  =(

Comment by John Fahy on December 3, 2011 at 2:37pm

Hello fellow Japan peeps. My daughter got to her ship there 2 weeks ago and for Christmas I wanted to get her a phone card that she can use to call the States. I've had no success getting this done and am looking for suggestions. Thanks.


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