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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by fishdad on October 1, 2011 at 11:09pm

Thank you Brandon. Yes, a mothers love is strong, but I'd be remiss to not give all of the credit and glory to God. He gives us the strength and courage we need.  We've been told that there is a chance that Heath may be able to come home soon for a while to rest and recoup. There is still a lot to find out about his long term health. We've been told that there is a chance that this could occur again. No way to predict it and no way to prevent it. So, we would appreciate continued prayers. 

Hope you're all having a good, restful weekend. 

Comment by Brandon S. on September 30, 2011 at 6:37am

@Robin- So sorry I have been a bit busy, but I have been following your posts. Glad to hear that Heath now has representation and seems to have taken a positive turn. Prayers are a wonderful support vehicle, but it is your love and perseverance that has seemingly made the difference. All the best!!!

Comment by fishdad on September 29, 2011 at 3:45pm

Thank you Paul. We've been able to touch base with MCPON and our Senator has the Navy Atty. Gen. involved on Heaths behalf. Heath seemed to be in good spirits this morning when we Skyped. Your prayers are making a difference!

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on September 29, 2011 at 10:15am

we're all praying with you Robin....

Comment by fishdad on September 29, 2011 at 10:06am

I just wanted to update you on Heath. He is making some improvement. The obstruction is beginning to clear. Thanking God for the process he is making. We are also thankful that the right people have become involved in working towards getting him the long term care he is going to need so we can get him back on his feet. He just wants to be healthy and back to work. It may take a long while, but that is our prayer. 

Hope that you are all doing well. 


Comment by blondie on September 28, 2011 at 9:04am

Amen, Amen

Comment by Brandon S. on September 28, 2011 at 6:11am

@Fishdad- I have begun to really question the sense and well being applied to Heath's condition. His unfortunate situation sounds very much like he needs the medical care of a stateside group of physicians because what you explain is difficult to swallow. I sincerely hope that his recovery becomes the only criteria here and that someone acts soon. Our love and prayers to you and the family and please tell Heath there are so many of us that are praying for him.

Comment by Mark D. Chapman on September 27, 2011 at 11:23pm

My daughter is serving in Japan as a HMR-Corpsman. With modern science and technology, I cannot understand why Heath has not been treated with more convential methods. The doctor doing surgery barefoot!? C'mon USN! This young man is in extremely bad shape. I was a Hollywood Marine and was at Balboa Naval Hosp for test's back in 1978. Medical practice I know has improved. Let's get this young man state-side, so he can recieve the care needed and his family will be able to be with him more as he suffers through this ordeal. Fishdad, you, Heath, and family will and have been in my prayers.

Pastor Mark Chapman, USMC

Comment by battlebuddy on September 27, 2011 at 10:44pm

Praying for Heath....and his parents...I can't imagine the stress your under, it just proves that being a Sailor's parent is also one of the hardest jobs in the Navy. Stay strong and we all will keep you in our prayers.

Comment by fishdad on September 27, 2011 at 9:29am

Thank you for the prayers. I spoke with his nurse a while ago. He is in tremendous pain and they are having a hard time managing it as he cannot have narcotics. Narcotics will actually make the situation worse because of the effects they have on the intestinal tract. Also, there is a slight possibility that he has pancreatitis. They are monitoring his labs. It is a wait and see thing now. They are hopeful that it will resolve itself. In the meantime...pain. He cannot have any food or water and no IV nutrition because there is  the risk of a blood infection (?). The nurse told me that he has lost even more weight since his appendectomy (he was at 115 lbs). I'm becoming majorly concerned about how all of this extended malnourishment is going to affect him long term. We're praying hard to get him through this situation and that when it is, they will allow him to come home. He needs to be home for a while. 


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