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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Brandon S. on September 17, 2011 at 11:54am

We did the same Robin and my son said that they did not feel anything at all. It almost seems that they have become oblivious to these occurrences. Just good to know everyone is safe and sound. 

Comment by fishdad on September 16, 2011 at 10:34pm


We just Skyped with our son in Yokosuka (near Tokyo) and they didn't feel it. Just want to give those whose family are in that area some peace of mind. While I was there last month, we experienced one that was close to this one and it didn't seem to even faze anyone. Most people didn't even pause. It's just a different way of life over there. 

However..praying that no one was affected.

Have a good weekend everyone.


Comment by blondie on September 16, 2011 at 9:30am

concerning Sean Reynald's his families funeral will be Mon. at 2:00 in TX


Since I cannot drink at work nor travel to TX, I suggest Mon. at 2:00 we have a minute of Silence and be one with Sean sending our Love, Support and Strength. .Who is with me?


Comment by blondie on September 14, 2011 at 9:57am

just a thought:

Maybe the biggest problem facing America today is not terrorism, the poor economy, or the national debt...maybe it's that we've forgotten the "United" part that comes before America. The prevailing attitude of "I've got mine and that's all that matters" has to change. We are not independent individuals, we are an interdependent nation.

Comment by fishdad on September 13, 2011 at 11:36pm

We got a call from Heaths doctor about an hour ago. The surgery went well. They had to battle the appendix because it had adhered to everything around it, which caused for some torn muscled in the process, but the doctor said no complications. He also said that timing was good as the appendix was looking 'very angry'. Heaths in a large amount of pain and we are encouraging him to stay over night in the hospital (the doctor said he could go back to his barracks, but no one should be alone after a surgery like this). Besides, he'll be on some strong pain meds which can cloud his thinking...kind of shocked that the doc would allow it. 

Scott and I want to thank you all for your prayers for Heath. I'll be sure to let you know how he is progressing.


Cora, you, your husband and your daughter have my sincerest prayers as well as your friend and his wife. I'm also praying for their children. I'm praying for strength and comfort for all of you during this really difficult time. 



Comment by blondie on September 13, 2011 at 7:12am

cora, Prayers going up for your family and extended family.

Comment by Brandon S. on September 13, 2011 at 6:42am

@Robin- Good to hear that Heath is finally getting some closure on his adventure and getting the surgery he needs. Please let us know how he makes out and know that as always, you and yours are in our prayers.

Comment by fishdad on September 13, 2011 at 6:16am

Heath is scheduled to report for his surgery at 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).  Please pray that this takes care of this problem once and for all. The appendectomy will be done the old fashioned way so the healing time will be a bit longer than usual. We'll be sure to update and let you know how things go. His FRG President and the Hospital Chaplain will be with him for the surgery. We're praying that he doesn't experience any nervousness and that everything goes smoothly. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers. 

Comment by blondie on September 6, 2011 at 7:43am

Cora, Prayers going daughter in a similar situation except couldn't/can't have the surgery, she ended up wth lock jaw while they were out...long story, she was in charge of exercises/manuveies whatever!  they gave her muscle relaxers, pried her mouth open and poured acid in, gave her 800 mg./ ofpain killer and sent her back to work, she took herself off the pain killers because had to have a clear mind (she's IS) the got back to port and then went on lock down for Admiral ceremony today (Praying for long successful run for the new command) hopefully after today they will do the surgery, she skyped us yesterday, looked very swallon, like chimpmunk cheeks...but very Beautiful to me!  LOL


we had a fun weekend, saturday afternoon 118 degrees with heat index in the 140's storms came rolling in @11-12 pm, yesterday's high was 65! today hoping to get to 67, the sun made one appearance since saturday and that was for the sunset last night....right after skyping our daughter! God does have a sense of humor. My life is on kilter for a few the work week begins well already did. LOL .



Comment by fishdad on September 5, 2011 at 10:17pm

And one more thing Cora, look up her FRG for her ship. They may even be able to set up a schedule of some meals for her. Heaths FRG group was wonderful to us. At least it would be some good, home cooked meals. 


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