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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by fishdad on September 5, 2011 at 10:15pm

And Cora, I'm still praying hard for Brooklyn. Wish I was still there, I'd make her some chicken soup. Let her know she's in my prayers. They do have a Popeyes on base that has mashed potatoes...wonder if someone could get her some of those? Might help. 


Comment by fishdad on September 5, 2011 at 10:14pm

Heard from Heath a while ago. Surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. The appendix is till 'irritated' and the doc wants it out. They'll have to do it the old fashioned laparoscopic surgery this time around. Please pray that the appendix doesn't get worse before then....that it would in fact calm down. And please pray that it all goes well. We'll feel so much better once that nasty thing is out of there! Thanks!

Comment by Brandon S. on September 4, 2011 at 3:23pm

Hi everyone, sorry I was away for a few days. @Fishdad So sorry to hear this about Heath. Seems every time we cheer for his progress there is a setback. The Navy seems to work on their own time line with these things regardless of whether we see it as practical. As always, prayers are there for you and yours. @Cora Nothing worse then oral surgery, I know how she must be feeling. Best as always to Brooklyn. Tell her to only take the Vicodin if she absolutely has to. They are addictive....

Comment by fishdad on September 4, 2011 at 2:51pm


Brooklyn is in our prayers. That kind of pain can be difficult, but Vicodine is the best pain reliever for it. Hope she's able to eat soon. 

Thank you for your concern for Heath. Hopefully soon.....


Comment by fishdad on September 4, 2011 at 8:06am

It's a matter of timing Jim. There is still a lot of inflammation from the infection that needs to subside so they can see what they are doing in there. Too much risk of injuring something else. Also, they want him to regain some of his weight. His last labs came back that he was severely malnourished....

The good news is this, no new infection. He has a thickening of his intestinal walls and they said it's causing the pain. No indication as to whether this is a concern or not. He will see the doc on Tuesday. 

Sure wish I could just get him home. 

Thanks for the prayers.

Comment by fishdad on September 3, 2011 at 3:06pm

Please keep Heath in your prayers. We got word a while ago that he is back in the hospital. They are running tests to see if the infection has returned. Thank you. 

Comment by fishdad on September 1, 2011 at 7:25am

Yes, it seems it's going South and West at the moment. They are on TCCOR III right now which basically means rain and wind. I just spoke with my son and at the moment it's a typically hot and humid day. 


Comment by fishdad on August 31, 2011 at 8:44pm

Praying for all of our Sailors & their families in Japan. Hoping this Typhoon decides on a different course. 


Comment by fishdad on August 31, 2011 at 11:00am

Thank you Brandon. I'm glad to hear that your son is continuing to make progress. I'm assuming that he will be getting some sort of PT to help him get back to full strength? And it's wonderful to hear tht he got a good Evaluation. It must make you very proud. I have a great admiration for these single guys and gals serving in Japan. It's not an easy path to take. Please let him know that he continues to be in my thoughts and prayers. 

Take care.


Comment by Brandon S. on August 31, 2011 at 9:06am

Hi Robin, Welcome back to the States. Sounds like this was a real eye opener for you with everything you have gone through. Great to hear that he is making progress and headed in a positive direction. My son is also recuperating from his surgery and seems to be getting stronger every day. He also just got his evaluation for his first full year and it was stellar which made us all happy. Continued love and support to you and yours.


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