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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Comment by Richard Klein on August 30, 2011 at 11:46am


   That's really great news. And I hope he gets better everyday. Welcome back to the states. I know you enjoyed your time with your son but I bet it feels good to be back home.


Comment by fishdad on August 30, 2011 at 8:21am

I arrived home yesterday afternoon and promptly went to bed. Slept 18 hours straight. Heath was doing well when I left. Still sore, but he said it's more of a dull pain now as opposed to a sharp, scary pain. It's all of the scar tissue from everything. He is getting around fairly well. He still has to stop and rest from time to time, but his endurance is building daily. I was unable to get him moved before I came home as they wouldn't give him a new room assignment before he was done with Con Leave, so I am praying that he has help to move because he isn't allowed to pick up anything over 15 lbs until after his surgery. He appetite has come back for the most part. It is there in spurts. But he was beginning to gain some of his weight back. I made some friends while in Japan and they are going to be with Heath for both of his surgeries and he will be staying with them afterwards, so I know that he will be well taken care of. As difficult as this past month has been, God has been faithful and has provided for absolutely every need that we have had. 

Our family wants to thank each and every one of you for your support and for your prayers and encouragement. The effects are immeasurable. Please continue to keep Heath in your prayers as he continues to recover so he can be healthy enough to have his surgeries. Pray for him as he adjusts to alot of changes. 

Thank you all again so very much.

Much love to you all.


Comment by blondie on August 26, 2011 at 10:07am

I'm glad the package arrived, I hope it cheered you alittle bit.  When I was there, I just went around hugging everyone I saw. LOL  they finally made me a sign, Navy Mom....Free hugs! then they started signing it, hugged by.... so my daughter turned it over and wrote, a hug from OHIO!  I thought if I stayed longer or go back to Japan I'm gonna have a sign that says, my daughter is XXXXXX or Blue Ridge so her friends and shipmates could find me.....most didn't have any problems but maybe I could have found more navy4moms' and navy dads sailors????  LOL  enjoy what time you have left.  sorry no word from my sailor yet.

Comment by fishdad on August 26, 2011 at 9:25am

Heath & I spent the afternoon dealing with the frustration of Military paperwork. When we got back here to the hotel we were given a package at the desk. It was a number of cards from Navy Moms. Can't tell you what an encouragement that was. I told them, & I'll tell you: I look around me as I walk the base and wonder if the men and women that I pass may be some of your children. I wish that I knew because I would tell them what wonderful parents they have. 

We were again blessed by our Navy Moms and Dads! 

Thank you!


Comment by Brandon S. on August 26, 2011 at 7:44am

@Richard- Great stuff to hear. Nice for him to receive recognition so early in his travels! @Fishdad- Continuing to pray for you and yours!

Comment by MikeU on August 25, 2011 at 11:34am

Fishdad - I've been following your story and can't tell you how happy I am to hear about your son's improvement.  My prayers are with you.

Richard - Sounds like he's a hard worker indeed to be the SOD, and to be singled out amongst 5500 sailors is no easy task.  Glad to hear he is doing well.

Comment by Richard Klein on August 25, 2011 at 10:43am


   My son is back in his room and I just talked to him on skype. I always knew he was a good worker and he informed me that he made sailor of the day on aug 16th. I got to see his pic on the gw's facebook page. He was on temporary duty while they were out to sea i guess because he is new. He says everyone pulls that duty sometime. he did'nt mind doing it but he can't wait to get back to his AO training. Anyhow I am very proud of him for sucking it up and doing what he was told to do. He picked up a new nickname while he was out. I guess his chief started calling him buck 20 LOL  he does weight a little more than that but not much.


Comment by fishdad on August 25, 2011 at 8:20am


I'm so sorry to hear that your son had to do that basically on his own. There is alot of 'falling through the cracks' over here. I've tried to stay on top of things and I am really pushing to have my son moved before I go. I have become friends with his FRG's president as well as with a couple of Missionaries who are here just for the Single Sailors in Yokosuka and I will be depending heavily on them for help and support for Heath. He's not allowed to pick up anything over 15 lbs for quite some time, so if doesn't get help, it simply won't happen. Chances are he will have to move twice. Things I simply don't understand as well. 

I'm glad that you and your son got to go up to Kamakura. It really is a pretty place and it was nice to be introduced to the Japanese culture by my son. 

Now I am praying that I can get everything done for him before I go. I would appreciate everyones prayers for Heath after I go. Pray that he continues to recover quickly so they can get this appendix out. We'll all breath much easier when that is done. 

Thanks so much


Comment by Brandon S. on August 25, 2011 at 6:59am
@Fishdad- My son Michael and I took the same trip to Kamakura when I was there. Was a great time seeing everything. Ironically, he just had to change his barracks as well as he is no longer attached to the GW. It was very difficult for a "one armed" sailor to move his things and unfortunately he received very little help. I suppose these are the things that we all wonder about, what creates some of the fears that we experience. We are so happy that things continue to look forward for Heath and your family and I can only hope that this will continue. @Rich- Glad to hear that your son is back on Yoko. I am sure that he will reach out soon if he has not done so already. Best to you and yours.
Comment by Richard Klein on August 24, 2011 at 9:26pm


    I just read on gw's facebook page that they are back in Japan. It is a surprize to me, i thought they would be out to sea for alot longer.Now I wonder just how long it will take for my son to get in touch with us.



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