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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Richard Klein on August 24, 2011 at 9:23pm


   That's great news Fishdad. I'm glad to hear your son is feeling better and I hope things just keep getting better for all of you.


Comment by fishdad on August 24, 2011 at 9:03pm
Heath & I took a trip up to Kamakura yesterday. It's a short 20 minute train ride north. A little town full of shops and restaurants and shrines. Very picturesque. I'll post pictures as soon as I figure out how to. As lovely as the day was, it did take it's toll on Heath. He's pretty sore today. We will be going to get his barracks room changed today and I am praying that we get the help that was promised when it comes to actually moving him. Right now he is on the 4th floor of the barracks and no elevator. Don't think I can do all that by myself. Our children accumulate alot of STUFF over here. lol. Then we will be spending my last few days here trying to get him settled in and everything taken care of. It's going to be very difficult to leave. But I do have confidence that he is much improved and we have a very good connection with his doctor, so that helps as well. Please pray that everything continues to get as well as it has and that I don't get too emotional when I have to leave. Thank you all again for your support during this really difficult time.
God bless,
Comment by blondie on August 22, 2011 at 7:18am

fishdad and Brandon thanks for all the information but praying this never happens to another one of all loved ones. Fishdad you are truely blessed with good friends and Church/community. God will reward them. (My daughter just bought a ticket for a fellow shipmate to come home for his grandmother's funeral, just so you know they look after their own also.)   any more talk about bring Heath back to the states?

Comment by fishdad on August 21, 2011 at 8:02am

Yes, the trip has been rather expensive but we have been very, very blessed in that our church insisted on paying for my ticket over here. So, at this point we've only had to pay for the hotel and food. We've had homemade meals made for us by my sons ship's FRG group. Wonderful things like baked chicken and lasagna.  We've also had people provide us with groceries and I do have a kitchenette here at the hotel to cook in, so that has helped alot. As far as the care given...I've stayed on top of things and luckily our son made it very clear before I even got here that we were to be given all of his information and to be involved in his decisions and care. So, that has been helpful. I would definitely advise every parent out there to make sure that they have that legal right before their children leave the States. It's something that your child  can still do once they're here.  

The very worst thing that we've experienced was that our son had to be sent out to a hospital in town for two procedures. It was necessary to save his life, but it was a horrible experience. I'm glad that I was able to be with him the second time. We had an hour to pray before he went in & he knew that I was sitting 10 feet from him during the procedure. 

We have been blessed in that everyone has treated us with the utmost of kindness and respect and has done everything they could to help us. My sons Command has been very encouraging, welcoming and kind.

And like Brandon said...our children are being watched over. God has had his hand on Heath and myself. I won't be able to stay until Heath has his surgeries. His first one will be at least 7 weeks from now and we're unsure of when his second will be. However, he is getting back on his feet and is showing a remarked improvement. 

And Richard, heaven forbid this would ever happen again to anyone else, but I'd like to think that there would be kind and loving people in your life that would see to it that you would be able to get to your Sailor if you needed to. We could have NEVER done this on our own.

One option that we were given, but didn't need to use was the Navy Marine Relief Corps. They can loan you the money in a situation like this. 0% interest and it comes out of your Sailors paycheck a little at a time. If your Sailor can't repay it, they look into a grant to help out. So, there's always an option. 


Comment by Brandon S. on August 21, 2011 at 7:28am
@Richard- Interesting that you should bring that subject up in your post to Fishdad. My son recently underwent shoulder surgery in Yokosuka and I expressed the same concerns. Outside of the lack of personal touch and/or information access, they seem to have done a good job and things went satisfactory. Like yourself, my concerns for my son's safety led me to Japan (I went for 10 day's) so that I could do everything in my power to insure he would be well tended to, to do whatever I could. I have been out of work now for a year and could not afford it either but we find a way, because I could not accept the alternative. I guess we just need to have faith that things will work out and that our sailor's are being watched over by a greater power.
Comment by Richard Klein on August 20, 2011 at 2:50pm

   Thanks for the update Fishdad. Are you you planning on staying there untill he has the surgery? I sure hope nothing like this happens to my son because there is no way I could afford to  even go there let alone stay for as long as you have been there. I must say that from reading all the updates I am a little concerned about the quality of medical care that the Navy is providing our sailors. Well anyhow i sure hope and pray that the outlook just keeps getting better for you guys everyday.


Comment by Brandon S. on August 20, 2011 at 12:12pm
Robin, so glad to hear the news about Heath. Checking in here at the site has become religion for me and every time I see something positive it makes my day. Hopefully through love and support he will continue to get better and get back to his normal, healthy self again soon. Wishing the best to you and yours.
Comment by fishdad on August 20, 2011 at 7:17am


Thank you for your prayers and support. Scott and I are handling things well. It's terribly hard being apart, but we know that it's temporary. It was just understood that this is what needed to be. We've had immeasurable support. It's been overwhelming at times...a little hard to comprehend such kindness leveled our way. God is good and so are people. There are so many kind and loving people out there. 

And I'm sure if the need ever arised, you could do the same as we are. God gives us strength to meet the need. He is ever faithful. 

God bless you too Jim.


Comment by blondie on August 20, 2011 at 6:27am

Praise be to God!


thanks for the update.

Comment by fishdad on August 20, 2011 at 5:22am

Just wanted to check it and give an update on Heath. He is doing better and better every day. He seems himself today. The first time since I've been here. Went to GNC and bought him some Protein Powder to try to help get some weight back on him. He's still at 120 lbs. which isn't nearly enough for his 6 foot frame. But he is up and moving and his pain level had decreased significantly. I'd ask that you would all continue to keep him in your prayers as it will be about 7 weeks or so before they will/can remove the appendix and the Doc has made it clear that he is not out of the woods until that surgery is complete. And I will also say Thank You, from a place where only a parent who's been through this can truly say. We've lost 7 immediate family members over the past year (including both of my parents and a close cousin just this week) and I have to say that this has been the most difficult thing we've been through. Your encouragement, help and support ....I just cannot measure what it means to us. So Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

Much love to you all. I'll be sure to keep you all updated. 

God bless.

Robin , 'fishdad' & Heath


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