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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Victor A. Serrano on August 19, 2011 at 9:32pm

 My son   was going to Mt. Fuji on friday with 6 of his ship mates.  He also told us that he receved odres transferring him to riverin.

Comment by Brad on August 18, 2011 at 9:08pm

Just uploaded a funny pic from Garrett and his Detachment Alpha serving from the USS Cowpens as part of the 7th Fleet Summer tour with the GW.

Comment by Sara on August 18, 2011 at 5:18pm

Richard, I got the joke.  It's ok, I have a very "dry" sense of humor as well.  He told me he plans to climb Mt. Fuji once more before he leaves Japan.  The next time he's going to just climb without doing the social thing.  He spent a lot of time talking to people.  Guess he wanted to get the whole experience.  Luckily he's an athlete and in such great shape that it didn't bother him too much... till the next day when he was sore.

Comment by blondie on August 18, 2011 at 9:16am

Owen, not to worry, communications are sometimes not available, I've gone months without, but usually she lets me know.  check out his ship'd web-site see when they posted last.

Comment by Owen Ramsey on August 17, 2011 at 11:13pm
My son is a ps on the Shiloh. Have not talked to him in about a week now
Comment by blondie on August 17, 2011 at 7:05am

Sara loved the song!  we climbed the next tallest mt. when we were there, couldn't do Fugi, my daughter is hoping to do it before she leaves.


Richard, we celebrated our daughter's 4th year annv. this week and I'm like, How did that happen? So I quess if you take it one day at a time......(it still hurts like yesterday.)


Cora, my daughter is on the BR and they hadn't gotten mail for 2 months, when they did she got nothing!  she finally got a small envelope that had her Bible Stick in it. she was upset but cheerful, she said God is watching out for me. Finally she got 1 box (out of 4) this past week she said she got another one, but her Birthday boxes we sent out in June never arrived and I always mark return to sender! nothing yet. so I quess I'm saying it does happen. sorry, I know it's frustrating.


Bradon, maybe God is talking to yoru son, being out of the sceen for awhile might help. encurage them them join the bases tours and adventures, maybe they'll meet new people and get out and about more. maybe his reading will get him interested in something enoug that he'll go take a look. it would be a shame to miss out on the adventure. my duaghter has seen this all over the world, where sailors' just sit in bars, instead of taking adventage of their travels, very sad. when the only pictures they have to send home from foreign lands are them sitting in a bar. others say there's nothing they want to remember. thankfully my duaghter gets into every culture and history only problem is fearing for her life. lol

Comment by Brandon S. on August 17, 2011 at 6:34am
@Sara- My son did the Mt Fuji climb (prior to his surgery!) as well and said it was quite the experience. @Cora- Since we began this adventure, the Navy has lost two packages of ours that were sent to our son, of which neither has ever been recovered. I have found that there really is no one to talk to about this. Just seems to be another "broken" part of the chain. @Richard- Sounds like your son is pretty normal. The first year, my son did much of the same. Now because of his surgery and downtime, he spends his free time reading and doing computer things.
Comment by Richard Klein on August 16, 2011 at 9:53pm


  Last year on the 17th my son son left for bootcamp. I can't beleive he has been gone for a year already. He is a AO on the George Washington. Oh yeah Sara I was just kidding with you, I wish my son would get the energy to go and see some of the sights while he has the chance. He spends his off time playing those damn video games and then hitting the clubs. What's really funny is that he does'nt drink, he just goes to hang out.


Comment by Richard Klein on August 16, 2011 at 9:47pm


   That must of been some cruise  up to the top of Mt. Fugi.  LOL


Comment by Sara on August 16, 2011 at 6:56pm

My son is on the USS Shiloh in Japan.  He called this weekend from the summit of Mt. Fuji.  Said it was great.  My nephew wrote and recorded this song for all our sons and daughters in the service.  Hope you like it


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