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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by blondie on August 13, 2011 at 6:32am

Fishdad, thanks I'll forward the info, the prayer chain will continue. Hugs

Comment by fishdad on August 12, 2011 at 7:57pm

Saturdays update on Heath (Or Friday State Side) - Heaths labs came back good two days in a row, which tells us that the meds by mouth are doing the job.  His lung sounded a bit better. So, the Doc discharged him yesterday. The Doctor left for a weeks leave today and I think he wanted to tie this up before he left. We are told that it is really up to the Doctor as to whether he can get moved State Side. He is staying at the hotel with me. The hotel was kind enough to move my room from the 4th floor, last building to the 1st floor, main building yesterday when they heard about the situation. This is a huge help as no buildings over here that are 4 stories or under have elevators.  We got him settled in here at the Gateway Inn and the ships FRG President was kind enough to go and buy us some groceries (I am not allowed to purchase anything but fast food here on the base). So, I can start cooking for him. So, I have two weeks to try to get him back on his feet as much as possible. He has 3 weeks of convalescent leave and then he will be on Limited Duty until mid February. During this time he will get his appendix removed (two months from now...IF he is recovered enough). And then once he recovers from that he will have his knee surgery. His ship is replacing him at this point so we're not sure what that all means. He will have to move out of his barracks room...etc...I am communicating with his XO about getting him moved State Side. I am finding that it depends on who you talk with, what you are told. So, I have two weeks to do alot. We were told when he was discharged yesterday that he will NOT be considered 'out of the woods' until his appendix is removed. So, if we can't get him moved State Side, this mom is going to have a very, very difficult time getting on that plane in two weeks. He is completely restricted physically during all of this. No running, lifting, we're not sure how he'll be able to move, do his laundry and such. Yes, alot of unknowns. We are still in need of many prayers for him. He's taking baby steps. And we're thankful for them. Thank you all so very much for your prayers and encouragement. They've helped carry us through all of this. 

Brandon, our last name is Fishburn and we are at the Gateway Inn here on base. We'd love to meet your son. 

Thanks again everyone. I look forward to getting on and seeing your encouragement. This has been one difficult road to walk. Please continue to keep Heath in your prayers. As I said, he's still not out of the woods. And it's not like back at home where if we're not satisfied we can just have him moved. It's all up to other people. Pray hard. Thanks.

Comment by blondie on August 12, 2011 at 3:03pm

thank you Brandon.

can everyone interduce themselves? I'll start.....My sailor is my daughter she also is my youngest.  She's an IS and has been in for 4 years now. Her first assignment was the ME, she was there for 2 years and then moved to Japan, she's got 15 months in there. She is part of the 7th fleet staff, she sails the seas on the USS Blue Rige.


looking forward to getting to know each of you and your sailors.

Comment by Brandon S. on August 12, 2011 at 2:29pm
Welcome Blondie, great to have you with us!
Comment by blondie on August 12, 2011 at 1:12pm

thank you Mark, I spent most my time on navy4mom's  but have met some very warm and caring people on navydads.  there is nothing I wouldn't do for Heath and his family. Prayers going out for all our military......all the time.

Comment by blondie on August 12, 2011 at 6:43am

just joined, my daughter has been in japan for over a year now. I met Fishburn through the during the disasters in Japan last march, I've been following through the prayer request group, he told me about this group, so i['m here to see if any new news. I see there is not.  Brandon, I can give you that info befriend me. 

Comment by Brandon S. on August 11, 2011 at 6:55pm

@Fishdad- Also, let us know what he can bring with him for either you or your son. Maybe a favorite food for Heath? Whatever we can to make him more comfortable. Praying for you my friend.

Comment by Brandon S. on August 11, 2011 at 6:50pm

Fishdad- My son would like to try and come see you and Heath at the hospital in Yoko. I do not know your last name? Let me know or you can send me a private message please?

Comment by battlebuddy on August 10, 2011 at 11:24pm

Praying for Heath and for you guys.....Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you here....


Comment by fishdad on August 10, 2011 at 5:43pm

Update on Heath: His body has begun rejecting all IV's. So, he is now getting all of his medication by mouth. The doctor was hoping we could keep the IV in longer, but no. His left lung is partially collapsed due to the inflamation in his abdominal cavity. We're working hard to get that taken care of. I've asked for a pulmonary consult, hasn't happened yet. The doctor seems to think that the spirometer and walking will fix it. I'd like to be a little more aggressive, the doc says no. He did eat a little yesterday. Alot of people from his command are cooking and baking and bringing in all sorts of treats to tempt him. Some are working. But he's still not eating alot. The next 24-48 hours will tell us alot. The drain is still being removed very slowly and it quite honestly is no longer functioning as a drain. The doctor said we just have to wait to see if Heaths body can process the rest of the infection/abscess. We did find out that it's a strep infection in there. If Heath shows any signs of a fever or if his pain increases, it's not good. It means that the infection is getting worse. He will not be out of the woods until his appendix is removed which could be at least a month. I am pushing to have him Med Evacuated to a State Side hospital. His command spoke with the doctor yesterday and requested the same. It's a matter of getting the doctor to make it happen and getting Heath stable enough for transport. They only Med Evac on Wednesdays here. The doctor is leaving in two days for a weeks leave so we would have to get the ball rolling immediately. These next few days are paramount. Please pray for Heaths body to handle this. Pray for his lungs. Pray for us to be able to get him to the States and all of the logistics that will go along with that, as well as getting myself there to be by his side. He needs more care than they are equipped for here. I feel that he needs a medical team working. Gastro, Pulmonary, Dietary...etc. Prayer is the only thing that can help. It is all in Gods hands and if you wouldn't mind going to him on our behalf we would appreciate more than you know. Thanks everyone.


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