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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Brandon S. on August 9, 2011 at 9:06am

@Fishdad- We continue to send positive thoughts and prayers to you and yours, please keep the faith.

Comment by battlebuddy on August 8, 2011 at 11:16pm

 Fishdad we are praying for Heath. I am also praying for you and Heath's mom for wisdom and strength. I know how drained and helpless you must be feeling. Know that we care and are praying for you all! Also the others that are there in Japan dealing with health issues. Also sending up many special prayers of comfort and strenght for the families of those that were involved in the chopper incident in the Middle East...I love this site...and I am a Navy mom, not dad...I just enjoy a more strait forward and informational site, that still has caring people and I have found it here. =)

Comment by fishdad on August 8, 2011 at 8:55pm

Thank you all for your prayers. As far as getting him moved back to the States....I've been led to believe that that is not something that happens easily. We have a meeting with the doctor at 11:00 pm Eastern Time (Noon, here in Japan) to discuss his treatment plan. We'll go from there. We could use your prayers for wisdom and even more for healing for Heath.Thanks.

Comment by A Proud Grandmother on August 8, 2011 at 6:18pm
Fishdad, I am so sorry to learn of this setback. Ask the doctors about a central line. I have absolutely horrible veins and after chemo I would not let them remove the port, which is similar to a central line. it is a lifesaver for me. Many drugs will damage the veins and putting them directly into a large vein preserves them.

Tell him that not only his Navy Dads are behind him, so are the Navy Moms!
Comment by Brandon S. on August 8, 2011 at 5:53pm

Fishdad, so sorry to hear this. I was so excited to hear that things had stabilized. I am no doctor but might it be smart to have Heath brought back stateside where he might get more specific care for what is ailing him? I can only imagine what your family is going through and just want you to know that we are keeping Heath in our prayers. Stay strong my friend and make sure your son knows that the entire Navy Dad's family is behind him.

Comment by fishdad on August 8, 2011 at 5:07pm

We had a set back yesterday. The CT showed that the abscess has divided.The doc said that he just doesn't know what to do. Heaths lungs are gunked up and they are talking about going in to drain them with a needle. They'd really rather not. His veins are giving out because of the strength and duration of the meds that he's been on. His appetite is gone again. Can't get him to eat. Feeling discouraged and concerned. Please keep Heath in your prayers. Thank you.


Comment by fishdad on August 7, 2011 at 9:50pm


He is having another CT right now to see what the abscess is doing. He is making improvements daily...slowly, but surely he is coming along. I'm glad to hear that Mike is beginning to feel a bit better. Which floor was he on here at he hospital? I'll have to ask Heath if he took care of him (Heath was working here in the hospital for a while before this all happened) He worked on 5B. If your son is up to it, tell him to stop in to 5A at the hospital. I'd love to meet him and perhaps get some pics of him for you. He'll be in my continued prayers.  

Concerning Yokosuka. It's a beautiful area. It's taking a while to get adjusted to living on a Military Base. Everyone had been more than kind and helpful to me. I'm beginning to get my bearings a bit. My greatest difficulty has been being unable to purchase any groceries or laundry detergent and such. It's a very safe place to be. And right now it's very humid. The cicadas are extremely loud as are the sea hawks...and quite aggressive. One took the Big Mac out of a guys hand the other day and cut him so badly with his talon that he had to get 14 stitches. eating outside. I've only been out in town once and found it nice. Not nearly as crowded as I had expected. I'll post pictures when I find a little time. 


Comment by Brandon S. on August 7, 2011 at 7:23pm

@Fishdad- What's the latest with Heath? Are you still in Japan? I am curious to hear your take on Yokusuka once you return. Hope your enjoying and that Heath is getting better fast. @Battle Buddy- Sounds like your son is working hard and playing hard when the opportunity presents itself. Glad to hear everything is well.

On a side note, my son Mike is finally beginning to show some improvement in his shoulder after his surgery in Yokosuka. He has gone back to light work and is starting his physical therapy tomorrow. Hopefully he will heal quickly and get back to normal.

Comment by fishdad on August 7, 2011 at 1:06am

So glad you got to talk with your son Battle Buddy. It's so good for the soul to see them and hear them, isn't it? 

We're doing better and better here in Japan. If things keep improving he may be discharged sometime in the coming week. Then I get to start cooking for him and fattening him up. He's 6 feet tall and only weighs 127 right now. Skin and bones. Some good Italian cooking will do him good. His Command has been exceptionally supportive and helpful. We've had visits daily from his his Command to check in on him to see how he is coming along and to see if I need anything. Very impressed with their concern and kindness. I got a bit of a breather yesterday as it was Friendship Day and alot of the activities were occurring right outside of the hospital. I took a half and hour walk and got some much needed sunshine and took some pictures of the Locales visiting the base. The American Idols were here performing and then they had a beautiful fireworks display that we could see from Heath's hospital room. 


Cora, so glad  you got to hear from Brooklyn and that all is well. 

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. Thanks again for the continued well wishes and prayers for Heath. He's making great strides!


Comment by battlebuddy on August 6, 2011 at 11:20pm

Finally got to Skype with my son last evening! I was very happy to see and hear his voice. He was at an Internet Cafe in Austrulia and very happy to have a couple of days Liberty before getting underway again. He has been working non-stop and been very busy...Glad to know he is getting some much needed rest. :) Very thankful tonight....


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