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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by fishdad on August 2, 2011 at 8:19pm

Thank you all so much for your encouragement and prayers. This is actually Heaths mom. They just took him down for the tests to determine whether he will have surgery today. We are praying.


Comment by A Proud Grandmother on August 2, 2011 at 6:22pm

Fishdad, I am so glad that your wife was there to enforce no.  I see absolutely no reason for not the meds available.  Heath is definitely in my prayers.  Please ask him to image good drainage and healing.  It may sound silly but sometimes the mind can do wonderful things.

Comment by Richard Klein on August 2, 2011 at 10:38am

  My thoughts are with you Fishdad. I'm sure your son  is going to do better just because of you being there with him for support. Good luck I hope everything gets better soon .


Comment by Brandon S. on August 2, 2011 at 7:14am
@Cora- Okay so my name is Tushikatotemoto! I'll stick to my American name, Brandon.
Comment by Brandon S. on August 2, 2011 at 7:12am
@fishdad- We continue to pray for your son with the hope that things will take a turn for the better. I am thrilled that you were able to go to Yoko to be at his side. I am sure that having his parents there will make him stronger and more confident about his illness. I too found the base in Yoko to be a wonderful place for our sailors. Keep on my friend and make sure you you let us know how things are progressing.
Comment by fishdad on August 1, 2011 at 11:20pm

Arrived in Japan Sunday morning around 9:30 am Eastern time. Which was 10:30 Sunday night here. I got a couple of hours of sleep and got to the hospital in time to ride with Heath to the City Hospital to replace his drain tube. They tried to do it without any meds but this time mom was here and they learned that no means no. The procedure was still painful but nothing compared to the first time. I've been able to get him up and around a good bit today and he ate both breakfast and lunch which is phenomenal ...he hasn't eaten a full meal in almost three weeks. That is the good part. The not so good part. I just spoke with the doctor and he told me that this drain isnt' working the way they wished. We will be getting another CT scan and sonogram tomorrow and if the abscess isn't getting much smaller they will have to operate tomorrow. There is a risk of spreading infection throughout the abdominal cavity with this procedure which is very bad. We would so appreciate your prayers for our son. Everyone that I have had contact with here in Yokosuka has been about and beyond wonderful. For those of you who have never been here, rest assured that the Sailors here are in a wonderful place. The base is beautiful, safe and clean. I will try to update when I can. In the meantime we do so covet your prayers. Thanks!


Comment by NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin on August 1, 2011 at 10:03pm

Sorry my post should have said:

Mimoshika, my Jananese name is Mikatarukito but I perfer Calvin.

Comment by NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin on August 1, 2011 at 9:54pm

Cora, my Japanese name is Mikatarukito but I perfer Calvin.

Comment by Art Cabral on July 30, 2011 at 9:13pm

Our hearts and prayers go with Fishdad and son.

Comment by fishdad on July 30, 2011 at 12:32pm

Got a call from the doc this morning. Things have changed. Leaving for Japan in an hour. Please pray!


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