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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by A Proud Grandmother on July 30, 2011 at 10:30am
Fishdad, how's Heath? He is frequently on my mind and in my prayers.
Comment by A Proud Grandmother on July 30, 2011 at 10:30am
Cora, I've not heard from my sailor, who is in VAQ 136, for a while. The last message just had one line ... very busy, big inspection coming up.
Comment by Richard Klein on July 30, 2011 at 9:13am

  Hello Cora

  Yes I have heard from my son. He called us twice useing a phone card and a phone on the ship. That was last weekend and we are hoping to hear from him again soon. He did say that he has been real busy. He says he just works and sleeps mostly but seems to like what he is doing. He is with HS-14.


Comment by battlebuddy on July 26, 2011 at 11:54pm

Praying for you and Heath. My heart goes out to you as my son is stationed in Sasebo Japan, and I would be a wreck. He will be 21 in December so they are very close in age. Contact your congress person and the Red Cross if you have not done so already they may be able to help speed up the passport for you.....I hope that you can get there and give your son a big hug. Praying for healing for Heath. <3 

Comment by fishdad on July 25, 2011 at 10:29pm

I am working on expediting my passport at the moment and we will see where our son is in this whole healing process when I get it. Of course, a moms heart is to go and go quickly. We're praying our way through it and we are so thankful to know that he is going in the right direction. We spoke with him tonight and he said "Mom, I'm fine. I just can't eat much or walk" Said like only a 21 year old can say it. But it was good to hear his sense of humor creeping back in. We'll keep you posted and in the meantime, if you would please keep lifting him up to the Lord and asking for his healing it would mean the world to us. Thanks so much.


Comment by Brandon S. on July 25, 2011 at 8:58pm

@fishdad- As I told you, my son just had surgery in Yokosuka as well about three weeks ago. Although his surgery was not as "urgent" as that you are experiencing with your son, know that there is an entire family out here, sending nothing but positive thoughts to you and yours. My family has experienced first hand how difficult it is to be so far away. I took 10 days and flew out to Japan to be with my son prior to his operation to help settle him and keep his focus. I have not worked in a year (was laid off) but spent every spare penny I had to do so. I really believe it would help him to have his dad there for support. Something to consider. flights were at an all time low and I paid $863 round trip, direct from NYC! Anyways, just a suggestion my friend. Stay strong and remember we are all here....

Comment by A Proud Grandmother on July 25, 2011 at 7:41pm
Fishdad, there are many Navy moms praying for your son. News of your son's illness is passing around in the groups. All are sending prayers, healing energy. Some are sending Reiki for healing.

Is it at all possible for one of you to go to Japan to spend a little time with him. At the moment bringing your son home may not be possible because he may not be able to be air lifted home.

Many hugs!
Comment by battlebuddy on July 25, 2011 at 11:41am

Hi fishdad.....praying for you and your heart goes out to you!

Comment by fishdad on July 25, 2011 at 11:11am

And please, please continue to pray. It's much worse than we first thought. 


Comment by fishdad on July 25, 2011 at 11:10am

Has anyone had experience with a very ill child in Japan? Our son is very ill. We are wondering if it might be best to try to have him brought back to the States for care. The doctors are doing a wonderful job at the Base Hospital. But it's going to be long term and we are just wondering if he will recover better here in the States where we can go and be with him for an extended period of time. Any thoughts or advice?



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