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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by fishdad on July 23, 2011 at 5:08pm

Thank you all so much for your encouraging words and even more so for your prayers. You folks truly understand and that makes your words and encouragement all the more meaningful. 


Comment by Brandon S. on July 23, 2011 at 3:56pm

Fishdad, so sorry to hear what you and your family are going through with your son's illness. It is exactly those suspect conditions and practices that had us concerned about our son's surgery two weeks ago. We will continue to pray for your son with the hope that his recovery will be quick. Keep the faith my friend.

Comment by A Proud Grandmother on July 23, 2011 at 3:41pm

Fishdad, your son is in my thoughts and prayers.  It is always hard when a loved one is in the hospital and even harder when the loved one is so far away.  Many hugs!

Comment by fishdad on July 23, 2011 at 11:40am

Thanks for the link Jim!!


Comment by fishdad on July 23, 2011 at 11:30am

We've been able to talk with his commanding officer. He has kept in touch with us throughout the night. Our son has acute appendicitis and developed a pocket of severe infection around his appendix. They needed to insert a  tube to drain the infection and the only doc that could do it was at the hospital out in Yokosuka. We've found that they did the surgery without any anesthesia which caused excruciating pain for our son, and that the doctor did the surgery in is bare feet....which raising major concerns for us about further infections. He is now back at the Base Hospital (Thank God) and they will begin a regimen of strong antibiotics. We're told that it will take two weeks to drain the infection and then a few more weeks of recovery time. Then they will go in and remove his appendix. After more recovery he will have surgery on his torn meniscus, which he was scheduled to actually have this coming week. This is all very difficult for all of us. We'd appreciate your prayers on our sons behalf. Thank you.  

Comment by Michael E. on July 23, 2011 at 11:15am

YOU might want toe try the USO also.


Comment by fishdad on July 22, 2011 at 11:16pm

We'd ask that you all would keep our son in your prayers. He was in sick bay on the ship for three days. They finally made port and got him to the ER. Kidney stones and/or appendicitis. A lot of pain in spite of morphine. Running tests. We haven't heard anything in a good while and we're unsure what's going on. This is the kid who's pediatrician always told us "If he complains of pain, get him to the ER as he doesn't feel pain like he should". He would have broken bones and not know it. That tells us it's bad pain. We don't know of any way to get in contact with anyone to see what is going on. As we said, prayers appreciated. Thanks. 

Ps. If anyone has any connections with the base hospital in Yokosuka and could let us know how he is it would be appreciated. 

Comment by Brandon S. on July 18, 2011 at 7:39pm
@fishdad- Thanks for the well wishes. The navy will never be their momma's, not no how, not no way, lol. They are saying probably 4-5 months of rehab/physical therapy before all is said and done but you never know. I had reconstructive shoulder surgery over 3 years ago when I was 48 and mine is like new, bionic, but new! Like anything else, it is in the hands of the surgeon and then the individuals ability to put the time into the rehabilitation. Looks like he will get new orders once they know what he is capable of after he heals. Until then I am assuming he will continue to fill in around the base where he is needed and continue on. He is also starting college soon so that should help fill the void. Being on shore in Yoko is a pretty cool thing.....not a bad place to get yourself healthy. best to you and yours, let me know how he progresses.
Comment by fishdad on July 18, 2011 at 12:25pm
@Brandon - glad to hear that your son came through surgery well. Sorry to hear that he is no longer with the GW. We know that is also a possibility with our son as well. He'd like to stay with the Lassen, but we'll see what the future brings. Thanks for letting us know what to expect. His momma isn't too happy with the fact that no one will contact us...or that he will be taking care of himself. But the Navy isn't his momma, now is it? How long are they expecting your sons rehabilitation to take? Or is it wait and see? What did he have done? I had a rotator cuff repair, torn tendon repaired and burrs removed several years ago. Helped, but still gets tender when I push things too far. We'll update you when we get news. And we'll keep your son in our prayers as he recovers and eventually gets new orders. Thanks Brandon.
Comment by Brandon S. on July 18, 2011 at 11:03am
@fishdad- How are you my friend? Hope all is well. I just got back from Yokosuka visiting with my son prior to his shoulder surgery. He is on limited duty and no longer belongs to the USS GW because of his rehab on his shoulder. There is no one that will call you post surgery. They sent him back to his barracks one day after surgery and he is basically on his own to take care of himself. He is doing well and is managing to do what needs to be done. He has a full shoulder harness on and his movement is severely limited. I would say that his resiliency is what keeps him on solid ground and most of our original concerns have been quelled. I did see a few sailors on the base that had knee surgery and they seemed to be getting around okay. Things on the base are pretty accessible and centrally located. Our son called us as soon as he was able which was pretty quickly and keeps in touch. Like most of the military, things are pretty basic including health care. I am sure he will be fine. best of luck on his surgery, let us know how he makes out.

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