Navy Dads


Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Jmespo on June 21, 2011 at 10:54am

Hi, This is my son's first deployment on the GW and I have a question for those who have been through this before.  His twin sister had a crazy idea this weekend that we plan on meeting up with her brother right after Christmas in Hawaii.  I know that nothing is certain as to when he could get leave, but is there any way you can plan these things in advance and not commit a lot of money.  I check some flights and for us to fly from NYC to Hawaii is around $1200, but my son's flight from Tokyo is $2200.  I also heard that if we visited him in Tokyo, we could stay at a military hotel, can the same thing happen in Hawaii, even though he is not stations there. Is there anybody I could contact that could give me some advice on how to do this?


Thanks in advance and sorry for the cross posting with other groups here.


Comment by MikeU on June 15, 2011 at 6:44pm

My sons been on the GW for a year and a half now, on his 2nd summer cruise now.  It seems like just yesterday he was at bootcamp. My how the time flies.

Comment by Brandon S. on June 14, 2011 at 11:49am
Well, my son is still in Japan but is now officially off the USS GW. he requires shoulder surgery and has been put on limited duty and is now working at the Naval Hospital in Yokosuna. Strange turn of events from this time last year. @Cora- Where is Brooklyn now?
Comment by Richard Klein on June 14, 2011 at 8:38am
I can join your site to. My son is on the GW for the summer cruise.Sure will miss talking to him on skype.
Comment by battlebuddy on May 27, 2011 at 10:39pm
Does anyone else have a Sailor on the USS Germantown (After the hull swap) as in right now. That is confusing with how they swapped ships. Also will they send all the ships to sea to avoid the typhoon? I have not had any communication with my Sailor for over a week now. I's not a long time, but we were Skyping every couple of days before.
Comment by Art Cabral on May 25, 2011 at 10:50pm

Hi Battlebuddy- Seabee Mom here with son in Oki. He uses "MagicJack",, inexpensive and when he calls us here in RI it's clearer than when he calls me on his cell from Ms.  =)  Finding it's hard to send "goodie boxes" as they have exchange there, so can get whatever they want.  Did find some chocolate "bees" lollypops.. now to fill the box and get in the mail for fathers day.


Comment by Julie on May 25, 2011 at 7:26pm
I'm [retty new here, made the trek over to NavyDads from Navy for Moms at the urging of Mark.  I have a question (I always have a question it seems anymore).  My son bought a SoftBank cell phone plan (iphone).  Does it cost him anything if I call him?  It's much cheaper for me to call him from my home phone (.20 a minute) rather than him call me with his cell phone...but then after I called him, now I'm worried that it might be costing both of us.  Any Idea?
Comment by battlebuddy on May 22, 2011 at 10:09pm

So I deleted my prior post...afraid it might have said something that it shouldn't son is having a blast in Japan and even bought a book to learn more Japaneese. He seems to like it, but at the same times seems a little homesick too. I love to see him smiling on Skype! Thanks again for the welcome...especially since I am a Mom. I like the information on this site a bit better....

Comment by William Bock on May 20, 2011 at 3:00pm

My son is now on the harpersferry after the hull swap and was wondering if anyone had a sailor on that ship?

Comment by Brandon S. on May 17, 2011 at 6:55am
@battlebuddy Welcome to the family my friend. Congrats to your son and to your family. So far I haven't heard of anyone else on the Germantown, but we do represent many different ships. My son is aboard the USS George Washington. Look forward to keeping in touch! @trejo Congrats to you and yours as well! You are absolutely correct about the webcam. It has become an invaluable tool for our family in keeping in touch with our son.

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