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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Brandon S. on April 9, 2011 at 6:18am
Jim G, please do not assume that I am offended in any way whatsoever. I was merely expressing that unlike yourself, not everyone has served in the military and because we cannot draw from those experiences, we are left to deal with a different set of issues that sometimes are a bit complicated. We both agree that it is that support that you speak of that makes it all work. Your opinions are yours and they speak volumes to your commitment to our Navy family. I for one thank you.
Comment by Jim G. on April 9, 2011 at 12:42am

Brandon, I apologize if you were offended in some way by what I posted.  It was based on knowledge and experience and it was my assumption that facts and encouragement (rather than the speculation and rumor I had been seeing posted) might help other parents. 


Having served around the world, I will stand by my encouragement to do what is best for our sailors.  My wife and I know it is not "simplistic" and that is why we pray for our son several times each day.  We also know that what he needs is support, encouragement and positive reinforcement. 


You may not agree with my opinions, but fishdad is correct that I shared them based on what I believe to best for our sailors.


Comment by fishdad on April 8, 2011 at 8:37am

We're packing and mailing out Care Packages this coming Monday. If you have a Sailor that has been assisting with Operation Tomadachi and could benefit from a package email me with their address and we'd be happy to mail them one. We'll be including personal care items (shampoos, eye drops, etc) as well as some non-perishable food items (canned foods, foil packaged food, candy, chips, etc) as well as some clothing items such as socks, gloves, etc..). Our purpose to support & encourage those troops that have been directly involved in aiding the Japanese. 

Our email is

We will closely guard all names and addresses. We have a large group of people helping us, but only my husband and myself will be involved in addressing the boxes. 



Comment by Richard Klein on April 6, 2011 at 9:32pm
I won't know if it's him untill he sees the pic. But the odds of it being him are in my favor. He is black ( we adopted him when he was 6 weeks old) and I don't see any other black guys in the line. It might not be him but maybe.
Comment by Richard Klein on April 6, 2011 at 2:22pm
Thanks Mark. My wife also thanks you. I'm not real sure if it's him but we both think so. My wife is going to post it on his facebook page and ask him if it is . It's a shame I have to see him on this sight because I know he bought a camera when he got there and we keep telling him to take and post some pics but this is as close to any thing we have seen so far. Thanks agin Mark.
Comment by Richard Klein on April 6, 2011 at 10:36am
I woke up this morning and checked here as I do alot. There was a picture of hs-14 getting on a plane. I think I saw my son in line. I did'nt wake up my wife because I figured the pic would be here for awile. Now it's gone. Just my luck. Some pics stay up for days and the one I wanted to show her was'nt on here for more than 12 hours.
Comment by Brandon S. on April 6, 2011 at 8:56am

Well said Fishdad, thank you.


Comment by fishdad on April 6, 2011 at 7:45am

I think that you are all correct. We all experience this differently and I think it's good to be aware of that and to not only offer support, but to accept it as offered. Even if it doesn't 'work' for us, it is being given with the kindest and best of intentions. 

We have very close friends whose son left for boot camp and was deployed the same time that our son was. We learned very quickly that their two experiences varied greatly. Instead of trying to figure out who had it right, we've learned to glean from each others experiences.....just in case we may ever need the wisdom in the future. 

We also try to keep in touch with our son and to encourage him, we also have had a few sleepless nights between N. & S. Korea and the earthquake, but we pray, we encourage and we make sure to spend time with others who have been there, done that....and we've also begun a Military Ministry that has really been embraced by our town. There are ALOT of patriotic people out there that want nothing more than to encourage and support our Troops. We've given them the vehicle to do that by collecting items and sending Care Packages to the Troops several times a year and by coming alongside other Military families that are struggling. It's been cathartic for us. 

We're all proud of our kids. And frankly, I'm quite proud of all of us. We may handle it differently but it's very apparent by what I read on here every day that we love and support our kids. 

Bravo Zulu Parents!!

Comment by Brandon S. on April 6, 2011 at 6:02am
While I appreciate your candor and sincerity Jody and Jim, not every parent out here finds the absence of a loved one that simplistic. Not every parent has served in the military and was prepared out of the gate to understand and comprehend what is happening with their sailor. No matter how well explained, they are still far away, often experiencing many things for the first time and it would be remiss of us to just assume that life is peachy because they are serving their country. We are extremely proud of our sailor and of our country but the day I stop being concerned for his safety and well being is the day I am in the ground.
Comment by Jim G. on April 6, 2011 at 12:25am

We had a saying when I served in the Navy:


"In the Navy, nothing is ever certain until it has already happened...and even then it is subject to doubt!"


I am amazed at the amount of stress and concern that goes into trying to figure out "what is happening" with our sailors.  As a veteran, I would encourage each and every family member to take all that energy and transfer it to doing things that will actually benefit our sailors:


1) Send an email expressing your appreciation and pride for the job they are doing

2) Prepare a package of their favorite items to ship to them.  And then SHIP IT!  Do not worry if they are "getting mail" or not, it will find them and they will appreciate that you were thinking of them

3) Pray for their safety and well-being, both physically as well as spiritually and emotionally

4) Take some action to encourage other families who are struggling and do not know what to expect, especially if their sailors are new to the Navy or the ship

5) Keep informed, but do not speculate or share rumors


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