Navy Dads


Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Brad on March 30, 2011 at 9:33pm
Just got a new pic up from one of the HS-14 missions delivering supplies.
Comment by Brad on March 30, 2011 at 9:04pm
Got to speak with my sailor last night via Skype.  He and his Helo flew off the Shiloh to Misawa for a day or two to make room in the hanger for other activities.  They will fly back on soon to resume their mission, but he felt that the mission is winding down since the Japanese military has taken over most of the deliveries of supplies now.  As others have said, it is cold up there! 
Comment by Jim G. on March 30, 2011 at 8:45am
Thanks for posting the video from Adm. Robinson, Paul.  He is right on with regards to the potential health effects from low level contamination being very remote.  Also, I was impressed to see how the military is taking swift action to document the potential contamination events in medical records and also in a centralized tracking system.  It is always better for us to have the right information, especially in cases like this that most folks know so little about, so I appreciate your getting the information out to the families of sailors who may be in the effected areas.
Comment by Art Cabral on March 30, 2011 at 8:28am
Been a long 2 weeks for this Mom, but got a tele call from Seabee son this a.m.   They are working in northern Japan on Disaster assesement with the Japanese Army. Said it's very cold there and working long days.  People are very courteous and thankful that they are there to help.  Stressed he's "ok" and then said a cup of coffee was $2.00 (he's know to walk around with a coffee cup in his hand 4-7 ) so I got a chuckle out of that one!        NavyMom Jean
Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on March 28, 2011 at 9:35pm
Comment by Staci (just way proud) on March 25, 2011 at 10:22pm

Hey,Dads!  Just a Navy Mom here...thought I'd come say hi.  Our sailor is in Japan, as well....not on a ship, he's on base at Yokosuka.  Says I should stop "freaking out" "everything is calming down here and I probably won't see him until April or May. ....I told him I was going to hit him in April or May.  ...maybe hit isn't the best word, but I'm definitely gonna give him a good slug to the right arm! Glad you all are hearing from your sailors.   Gerry, don't you worry, we are going to help you get in touch with your son.  Godspeed to our sailors, and here's to a night with maybe just a smidge less worry....I know...well, Godspeed to our Sailors anyway.  


Comment by fishdad on March 25, 2011 at 9:36am
Glad to hear that you got to hear from and see your son Richard. It does a parents heart good. Praying that God blesses him in his work. You must be proud of him.
Comment by Richard Klein on March 24, 2011 at 9:08pm
We finaly heard from my son today. skyped with him for about a hour. He has been working hard and long hours so he said when he was off he just slept alot. He is ok though so that is a releif for my wife and I. He is a AO and has been washing down the choppers when they come back from deleiveing supplies to the needy. Has to wear a special suit to protect him from the radiation. Other than that he seems like the same old kid we know and love.
Comment by fishdad on March 24, 2011 at 9:00am
If there is anyone out there with someone serving on the GW ? And could they get in touch with the ombudsman  & perhaps help Gerry Diaz get in touch with his son James Marlon Gordillo Diaz? Seems he's having trouble contacting him.
Comment by Gerardo Gordillo Lazo on March 23, 2011 at 4:02pm

I wonder  how my son, he was in Japan with the problem of earthquake and tsunami, I know nothing of it, I have not spoken to almost 1 year I wish someone can help me and tell your daddy Gary wants to know how this , and I love him very much.
My son's name is James Marlon Gordillo Diaz.


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