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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Richard Klein on March 23, 2011 at 11:59am


   Anyone hear anything from Hs-14??? I think they are in Misawa. I know it's a big air force base and I would think they have internet there. I have only received one samall message from my son in the last week. He said he was ok but very tired and was going to sleep. That's all no info what so ever. If anyone hears from their son's or daughters could you please pass on any information that you can. Thanks


Comment by Gerardo Gordillo Lazo on March 23, 2011 at 11:08am

Mi hijo esta en George Washington, espero que todo este bien, santi le quiero mucho cuidese, si papi GERARDO

My son is in George Washington, I hope all is well, I love you santi Take care, if Daddy GERARDO

Comment by Brandon S. on March 22, 2011 at 6:00pm
Nice Jim! Nothing like a little personal press for our sailor's!
Comment by Richard Scherman on March 22, 2011 at 11:28am

I am very glad that the Regan and her contingent are there lending a hand but am SICK of not hearing that support is ALSO coming from the GW and the sailors attached to it are in the thick of stuff as well. I know that there are helo's in use to disperse first aid stuffs and that my sailor was actually moved to another area - away from Atsugi - to help facilitate the delivery of goods.


Comment by Brandon S. on March 22, 2011 at 10:27am
Hey Cora. I certainly understand your concern. It's been sporadic communication with our son as well, although the USS GW has been all over postings and even the news as of late. Seems like the whole world is watching our sailors. All we have heard is that his ship is out of Yokosuka and is floating somewhere off the coast of Japan. No destination, nothing. On top of that, he has an injured shoulder is trying to figure out how and when he can get it taken care of. All we can do is continue to be positive and supportive for our Navy family.
Comment by A Proud Grandmother on March 22, 2011 at 9:22am
Cora, your sailor was on a couple lists to evacuate but not on the last one.  I suspect she has been evacuated now.  She was ahead of my sailor's BF and he has arrived there.  I do understand your concern.  My sailor supposedly went out yesterday but I have not heard anything more.  The waiting is hard.  Even a brief FB note would be very welcome!  Hugs.
Comment by fishdad on March 21, 2011 at 10:50pm


Yes he has. And as much he never takes credit, we wanted to thank him and let him know what it has meant to us. 


Comment by fishdad on March 21, 2011 at 9:09pm


We wanted to take a moment to say "Thank You"! Navy Dads Japan group has been an immeasurable comfort to us during this crisis. 

God bless,

the Fishburns

Comment by Jim G. on March 20, 2011 at 4:24pm

Here is a graph showing the decrease in fuel pool temperatures at reactors 5 and 6:


Fukushima Daiichi 5 and 6 pond temperatures, 20 March 2011

Comment by Jim G. on March 20, 2011 at 4:13pm

Just to keep everything in perspective, the area of greatest potential danger surrounding the damaged nuclear reactors has been evacuated and even though Misawa is closer than Atsugi our sailors there are safe. There is a greater potential for contamination, based on the closer proximity, but there are several things in their favor:


1) The Japanese engineers seem to be getting a handle on keeping the fuel covered and cooled.

2) The risk from the radioactive contamination that is released decreases exponentially with distance due to dilution from the atmosphere.

3) They are taking all necessary precautions (contamination surveys, shelter, bottled water and sealed food - MREs) to minimize the potential for internal deposition.


Based on the facts, there is little to fear for our young men and women responding and providing Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Recovery.  Without the facts, and especially if one is getting information primarily form the media, it is easy to find reasons to be afraid.  I am forwarding a link with updated information on the nuclear aspect of the crisis in the hopes that the facts will help put some folk's minds at ease:


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