Navy Dads


Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by William Bock on March 13, 2011 at 7:33pm
Thanks for all your prayers i did hear from my son late last night he is doing fine. Just working and waiting on the uss germantown now .
Comment by fishdad on March 13, 2011 at 12:08am


Any news from your son yet? Just want you to know that you have been on our hearts and minds. You may want to contact either the ombudsman or the Public Affairs Officer of his ship to see what they can tell you. They are very helpful in these situations. 


Thanks for sharing all of the info and pictures



Thank you for your encouragement.


We can all be proud of our Sailors. They're a magnificent group of men and women.

Comment by Larry Gaither on March 12, 2011 at 7:38pm
We have been in touch with James. It is a relief to email with him and find out they are OK. Like he said "I don't mind giving up my weekend to help save lives" They have the right attitude.
Comment by NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin on March 12, 2011 at 7:18pm

I just joined this Group so I can let everyone know that my Family and I are keeping your guys and gals in our Thoughts and Hearts. Your Loved Ones are help the people of Japan make it through a very rough time and I am proud of them.

HooYah and Good Luck to all of your Loved Ones.

Comment by NavyDads Admin (Paul) on March 12, 2011 at 3:22pm

Update on U.S. Military support to the Government of Japan

by U.S. Pacific Fleet on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 2:14pm

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan(CVN 76) arrived on station off the coast of Japan March 12 at approximately 1 p.m. estern. Currently in the vicinity of Honshu,  Ronald Reagan will continue to operate near Japan in order to best support disaster relief efforts led by the Japan Self-Defense Force. To date, the JSDF has asked the aircraft carrier to provide refueling operations for their helicopters and to assist inthe transportation of theirF troops to affected areas. As long time allies, U.S. and Japan forces as are extremely interoperable. U.S. Forces Japan  is in constant contact with their JSDF counterparts as we continue to support their operations to aid the people of Japan.


U.S. military assets are supporting the requests of the Government of Japan by providing logistical support to the JSDF. Two SH-60 helicopters from Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Fourteen (HS-14) from Naval Air Facility Atsugi delivering 1,500 pounds of rice and bread to Shiroishi City in Miyagi Prefecture.  The food donation was from the people of Ebina City, Japan.


Additional U.S. military assets continue to position themselves to provide the most expedient support needed at the request of the JSDF, which is leading the disaster relief efforts.

Comment by William Bock on March 11, 2011 at 7:13pm

My son was on his way to Sasebo but we still have not heard a thing from him .

Comment by fishdad on March 11, 2011 at 5:30pm
We just spoke again with our son via text. He just finished an overnight watch. They are tired. Watching the television like we are and waiting. For anyone who is concerned, the base & everyone on it are fine.
Comment by Rick Cogar on March 11, 2011 at 1:45pm
Comment by Rick Cogar on March 11, 2011 at 1:44pm
Comment by Rick Cogar on March 11, 2011 at 1:42pm
An estimated 6.6-magnitude earthquake has struck Nagano and Niigata prefectures in Japan, Kyodo news service reports.

Members (132)



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