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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by fishdad on January 28, 2011 at 9:18pm
Our son was a Volunteer Fire Fighter before being deployed as well. Seems to be in their blood....serving. :)
Comment by Michael Gabby on January 28, 2011 at 1:00pm
Michele my son was holding Joshua Frank's Certificate of award for being Sailor of the Year. They are both Crew Members Of The HS-14 Chargers. Mark I believe that was from Command and given at the Command Holiday Party in Japan. I spoke with LT. Rodney Linz of the Washington County Fire District 2 in Oregon where Joshua severed as a volunteer fire fighter prior to joining the Navy. Lt Rodney trained Joshua and was happy to hear that he has been doing well. Joshua 's brother is currently with Washington County Fire District 2 serving as a volunteer. It is so great seeing a family so willing to serve to protect and save others.
Comment by Michael Gabby on January 25, 2011 at 10:49am
Joshua Frank on the left and my son Paul on the right, Joshua Frank received Sailor of the Year! Great Job Joshua!!!
Comment by Brad on January 24, 2011 at 9:11pm
Great pics Cora.  Glad Brooklyn had a great time.  Garrett had his around the same time.  Maybe all the air squadrons did it the same time?
Comment by Guillermo Trejo on January 19, 2011 at 10:21am
My Son is leaving for Sasebo, Japan On April 22, 2011. This will be his first overseas. He is kinda nervous, but excited at the same time. He will be in USS Tortuga. As a parent im kinda nervous also, i just want to know how is it in Sasebo Japan.
Comment by Larry Gaither on January 18, 2011 at 6:41pm

Well the fun begins.  James is packing now to leave tomorrow for Japan.  We have enjoyed 30 days of having our young man home again and now it is time for his next adventure to begin. We are so happy for him but also sad he will be so far away.  He is excited and nervous at the same time but as he puts it "It is time to do the job the navy has spent so much time training me for".

Comment by Brad on January 17, 2011 at 12:19pm

Sorry I haven't been active lately.  Garrett has been home since New Years Eve!  We just sent him back Sat.  I hope to have pics up by the end of the week.  We had a great time while he was here. 

Cora, a big congrats to Brooklyn for her promotion to E-4, but sorry to hear of her dissappointments too.  Garrett has had some as well, and he may not renew when his time comes.  I have encouraged him to continue for E-5 as only 10 throughout the Navy in his rate made it (He missed by only 4 points his Chief said) and hope that the new comand will foster more positive conditions for those working hard and showing a desire for advancement.  For it will be the NAVY that will benefit by keeping the best.  Mentors will be important if they can find them and learn how to work within the system to shine and be noticed.  I hope for all our sailors to be able to find and take advantage of that.

Comment by fishdad on January 13, 2011 at 4:07pm


You get kind of used to that kind of communication. It's alot like when they were newborns and you never quite knew at what time you'd be hearing from Glad that you got to hear from Aaron.


Comment by Jim G. on January 13, 2011 at 11:10am

I can tell that Aaron has completed Indoc and is now on the ship...haven't heard from him in days and then he suddenly texted at 1 am.


Hoping to talk with him this weekend!

Comment by John A. Tejeda, Sr. on January 11, 2011 at 12:27pm
Well on that summer cruise my AO3 Jessica, my daughter was on the same cruise. Cora, what a very small world this is. She hoping to get her AO2 soon. Shes assigned to VFA-102 Diamondbacks where the bark and bite is venomous. We are a proud parents of the best AO's and sailors on the USS GW, a few are from the great state of Texas and Galveston Island.

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