Navy Dads


Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Jim G. on January 11, 2011 at 12:16pm
An impressive accomplishment, Cora, for your daughter to make E4 and be assigned such have every right to be proud of her and her accomplishments!  Please pass along my appreciation for her service to our great nation!
Comment by fishdad on January 10, 2011 at 6:21pm
Well said John and Jim. Well said.
Comment by John A. Tejeda, Sr. on January 10, 2011 at 8:39am
Jim, you said it correctly. As a former Army vet during the Vietnam era, the Army had its up and downs and as a FNG I thought there were more downs than ups. But the training, discipline you continue to march on(the infamous words, carrying on, Sir). So, you learn the ropes and the UCMJ as you do the bible. My daughter has on numerous occasions has talked to me as a daughter and father and a sailor to a Noncom on many issues that she is confronted with. I personally feel I have given her the tools, knowledge on how to handle anything that she may confront her. An, yes I pray for her safety, and the strength to endure whatever she is facing, this will make her strong, a born again hard in my days of service. She did tell me, I have figured why you would always say those old sayings, Nothin' but a............. or or you in my frequency, suck it up, carry on. She is in my eyes still my baby girl, but now my AO. We all face uncertain things in life, work, and normal day happenings. Me telling my daughter to embrace the things you fear and/or confronted will will make you a better person to continue doing your duty performance until to leave the beloved Navy. So, as a father and vet, I am her support group and her step mom is her other support that my daughter feels I am not to well verse in, I differed to disagree on this, but as a man, I will agree to disagree. To all sailor's parent, these sailors belong to the Navy now, but they are still our children and we stand ready to guide them, the best way we can. 
Comment by Jim G. on January 10, 2011 at 8:08am

Being a Navy veteran who was stationed overseas, I can tell you (looking back) that I had a lot of similar issues and challenges.  These are not unique to military life, however: think about how many outside the military share similar complaints re: their jobs and co-workers / bosses.


I would encourage each of you to support your sailors fully.  Listen to their concerns and complaints.  Often, it helps just to vent when one is frustrated.  You may feel helpless, and frustrated that you cannot solve their problems, but just lending a friendly ear can help them work through some of these situations.


If things get serious, and you suspect your sailor is in trouble, do not hesitate to contact the command or the ombudsman. But, this should be a last resort as you do not want to take a frustrating situation and make it worse.


I pray for my sailor each and every day, and ask God's protection for him while he is away.  This helps me feel less helpless and also helps prepare me for the tough conversations that arise.


The Navy is not perfect, far from it.  But, if we can help our sailors navigate their way through their enlistments successfully it will prepare them to succeed in life.


I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers, Cora, and trust for a positive outcome to her present situation.



Comment by Brandon S. on January 9, 2011 at 3:37pm
Cora, I just got back and read your thoughts a few times and I sat here feeling what your going through. Very much like yourself, my son has found many of the same things in front of him. It is almost like no promises are kept nor honored, no accomplishments respected, seems very hard to build and maintain your spirits when what you earn is kept from you without warrant. Like your daughter, my son has worked extremely hard and adapted to Navy life seamlessly, presenting himself every day with honor and commitment. Unfortunately, it is not always like that around him and he has found no recourse in situations that should never exist. Of course, nothing is ever perfect and becoming a "chameleon" is encouraged, but I too wonder how those with promise and dutiful behavior are passed over and pushed aside, in many cases by others with less commitment and/or qualifications. All this being said, my son never complains outside of his thoughts to me and continues to strive to be the best he can be. I continue to offer him encouragement and reassurance that his time will come. I suppose we can only offer up the fact that we are here for them and believe in them, that they matter....because they do.
Comment by Richard Klein on January 8, 2011 at 12:14pm

  Yes your are right. It sure is nice to talk to them but at the same time a little frustrating. The things I would like to know and what he knows are two different things. He is  AO assigned to a helo squadron and I would like to know if he will ever go out on a ship and if so what kind and which one. I understand there are things he can't tell me but I think those things are things he should be able to tell me. My son never was one to ask alot of questions a real layed back kind of guy where I am one that always likes to know what's in store for me. I will just have to wait untill he tells me I guess. I sure hope your right and he will straighten up some once the serious stuff starts because right now all he talks about how everyone seems real layed back compared to boot camp and A-school. He said he has only ate at the galley one time and chooses to eat all the junk food instead. He is real skinny and I worry that he will lose more weight. All though he always eats he never seems to gain any and I think he just barely weighed enough to get in the navy in the first place. Oh well I'm rambling and just worried I'm sure he will be fine, I know he looks happy and sounded happy so he might just be messing with me I know he likes to get me wound up and he has had alot of practice doing that.

    Have a great day      Go Navy


Comment by Brandon S. on January 8, 2011 at 10:11am
Great stuff Richard. I remember when my son got to Japan, his conversations were so vague, it made us crazy. It was all new and exciting until the serious stuff started. The difference in our sailor has been astounding in just 9 months. Michael was right on target, we take the calls when we can with open arms because it is the fuel that keeps us all "on it". Amazing how technology plays such a vital part for us all. FB, Skype, webcams....these are our tools. All the best to you and yours and enjoy the sail...
Comment by Michael Gabby on January 8, 2011 at 12:26am

Very Cool, My son Paul has web cam with us before it really is the best thing to being there. Be looking for your son's 2 am- 5 am phone calls. I don't care what time it is,I will always welcome a call from him. Wish Eric the best of luck in Japan and I am sure he will meet a lot of nice people there. Real important to watch the laws in Japan, not the same as here. I tell everyone that, just as a reminder if they do know all ready.



Comment by Richard Klein on January 7, 2011 at 11:16pm

   Hello again folks.  My son Eric arrived in Japan just before the new year. He just bought his own computer and we have been talking to him on skype today. He really likes it over there so far,but I think he will just be finishing up his indoc classes Monday so then I guess he will get to work soon. Then we will see how much he likes it. While he was talking to us there was some workers cleaning the lights and after them listening to my son talk I would'nt be surprized if they declared war on us again. LOL It seems like every other question I ask him is followed by a response of I don't know. I bet they wonder how they ever lost the war.  Anyhow it sure was nice to see and talk with him again.

      Go Navy


Comment by John A. Tejeda, Sr. on January 4, 2011 at 7:35am
Well Cora that is indeed long distance relationship, but best wishes to your sailors and that they return back too you safely. Waiting for my daughter and her future husband also a sailor to come home on leave, 2 years is a long time. But I will just wait, now I know how my father felt when I was in the service and on my tour. In the 10 years I was in, only came home one time. Carry on Navy mom.

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