Navy Dads


Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Brandon S. on January 2, 2011 at 8:06am
Hey Fishdad, that sounds like a great evening! It was actually a great game once they finally got it going. That my friend is the definition of real "quality time". Happy New Years! (from a suffering NY Ranger fan).
Comment by fishdad on January 1, 2011 at 10:13pm
We just had a great evening enjoying the Winter Classic with our son via Skype. He couldn't get the game over there so we put it on and set the computer up in front of the TV. To those of you who don't have skype...get it!! It was great being able to share that with him..even if the Penguins lost.
Comment by John A. Tejeda, Sr. on January 1, 2011 at 9:13am
Since my daughter AO3 Tejeda enter the Navy, I must say that it was a difficult time for me as a Dad. But, as a former Army NONCOM, I knew that she had to make up her mind and become an adult. Well, she has, and I am very proud to have my daughter in the service. She has followed a tradition in our family who have been in the Air Force and Army. She service proudly on the USS George Washington and makes this former Army NONCOM very proud. Cannot wait to see her when she takes leave from Atsugi Naval Air Facility. So, to all Navy Dads I wish to extend and very Happy New Year and thank you all for the services your sons and daughters are doing to serve and defend our great nation will love so dearly. Continue to march AO3 Tejeda.
Comment by Brandon S. on December 31, 2010 at 7:05am
I just wanted to wish all of our family, both here on NDJ as well as in Japan a safe and happy New Year's. We all have much to be thankful for and I am appreciative that we have this venue to share it all. Best to you all for a great holiday, god speed.
Comment by Richard Klein on December 30, 2010 at 10:36pm


  He is aviation ordanance with hs-14. What he acualy does I'm not sure. I'm sure he will visit the theatre alot,he did while at home here. I hope he meets some good people there and gets out some. From almost evrything I have read from people they all seem to enjoy being in Japan. His recruiter told me that some sailors like it so much that they stay there after leaving the Navy. I sure hope that don't happen with my son. I do want him to have a good time but I also want him to come home.


Comment by Richard Klein on December 30, 2010 at 9:57pm

   Yes Mark that is where he is. I hope my son gets a chance to meet yours someday but I sure hope it's not at the health clinic. LOL. How long has your son been there and does he like it there? I had to laugh my son said they could drive 110 miles per hour there but I'm sure that it kilometers per hour. Anyhow I hope he is wrong. but then again we had to clue him in on what the date is over there. He will catch on I'm sure.


Comment by Richard Klein on December 30, 2010 at 9:30pm

    hello all

  My wife just heard from my son Eric. He arrived safe and says the place is asome. Can't remmeber the base he is at and not sure if I am supposed to say it on here but it begins with the letter A. I'm sure if any or your sons or daughters are there you know where he is. Anyhow it sure is a releif to know he is there and happy. Happy new year.


Comment by fishdad on December 30, 2010 at 12:38am


I really enjoyed the site with all the pictures. Thanks!

Comment by fishdad on December 29, 2010 at 8:16pm


We're wondering how you get all of the neat pics that you put at the top of the page. 

Comment by fishdad on December 29, 2010 at 8:15pm


Once he gets settled in he'll have time to give you a call and fill you in on everything. Our son was exhausted when he arrived so we only talked for 10 or so minutes and then he went to get some sleep. It's good to know that your son arrived safely. Hope it gives you some peace of mind. 


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