Navy Dads


Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

Members: 132
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Brandon S. on December 27, 2010 at 8:21am
Hi Rich and welcome to the family. My son has been stationed in Japan for almost a year now and truthfully there are many different creative ways to keep in touch. Facebook, FaceTime (if you both have an iPhone), Skype, and multiple text programs are all available for FREE! Technology has made it much easier for us to keep in touch with our loved ones. I repeat, the key word here is FREE. I am sure you will hear from him soon as they provide him with the means to call. God bless you and your son.
Comment by fishdad on December 27, 2010 at 6:42am
Facebook has been an excellent way to keep in touch with our son. We can leave messages and he also got a 'text only' phone number which doesn't cost us, or he, anything. We use both quite a bit.
Comment by Jim G. on December 26, 2010 at 8:15pm

Once your son gets settled, Rich, he should be able to get a phone if he wants (with service in Japan) for about $70/month.  Our son got his last week and we can now text to keep in touch and arrange skype calls.  It makes it a lot easier!  The phone is 4g so it should be able to make video calls too, but he has been having trouble figuring it out. 


Also, he did call us from the free phone on base during his first day of Indoc, so you should hear from him.  Just make sure you take the call, it shows up as a number from California.

Comment by Richard Klein on December 26, 2010 at 6:46pm

    Thank you for that info. I will be sure to tell him. This way he will have no excuses to not let us know.


Comment by D.P.'s Mom on December 26, 2010 at 6:28pm


My son arrived in Japan back in April. I heard from him right away. He called home to let me know he made it safely. They do have phones on base that allow them to call home for free. Granted sometimes lines are long, and I believe there is a time limit. My son also has a work email that he uses to email home. Hope this helps a little.

Comment by Richard Klein on December 26, 2010 at 6:12pm

    Hello Everyone

  I'm new to this group. My son Eric has been home on leave after a-school in Pensacola. It was great having him home for ten days but sorry to say I have to drop him at the airport tomorrow. He is a AO and on his way to Japan. I just wonder how long it will be before we hear from him again. Does the navy have computers he can e-mail from untill he buys one for himself? I suppose a phone call from there costs alot of money but it sure would be nice to hear from him just to know he made it there safe and sound. Any suggestions you might have would be great.


Comment by fishdad on December 25, 2010 at 11:19am


Enjoy your "little boy". Can't imagine a better Christmas present. We just finished Skyping our boy in Yokosuka for an hour and a half. Sure was good to see him. Merry Christmas everyone!

Comment by Lee on December 25, 2010 at 11:05am
Christmas for us was last Sunday, December 19th when Kevin got home from Sasebo! We missed the last 2 Christmas holidays due boot and then being in Japan, but it has been great having him home! Jet lag and a hectic few days have drained him, so my wife and I are sitting her watching our "little boy" sleep on the couch...just like we did when he really was a little boy and got up way too early on Christmas morning. For those of us fortunate enough to have our sailor with us today, I am sure we all remember our fellow family members who don't and as always, appreciate what your sailors are doing for our country! I am proud to be a Navy Dad!
Comment by Larry Gaither on December 24, 2010 at 3:44pm

Thanks Jody.  That is what we are hoping for. It has been almost 2 years and an adventure at every turn.


Mark - he will be at Yokosuka assigned to the USS John S McCain.  He is an FC in the AEGIS System.  About 1 3/4 years of school.

Comment by Larry Gaither on December 24, 2010 at 2:01pm

Hello All,

Things are looking up.  James is on the plane headed home for leave now after C-School.  We will have him about 3 weeks then put him on a plane for Japan.  We were hoping he would make it home for Christmas and it has happened. We now await the next leg in his adventure!


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