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Japan Dads

Supporting families of sailors stationed in Japan.

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Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by fishdad on November 23, 2010 at 2:41pm
Jim, our son got a cell phone, but we can only text at this point for free. There are certain numbers you can use to text and it won't cost you or they anything. The base has a rec center where they can call home for free. But there is usually a line there to call home and certain times can be a premium. The phone cards will work, but they do add up. You might want to look into Skype. It's free and you can do on any phone with a data plan or your computer. Our son got an IPhone 4 (free) with a plan that runs him $70 a month so he can text or skype and can also get on the web and facebook us. We keep in touch an awful lot by using facebook. About his cell phone plan now, you may be better off just canceling his plan. Most companies will allow you to cancel it without any fees because they are in the military.
Comment by Jim G. on November 23, 2010 at 2:29pm
Thanks for all the helpful tips, I really appreciate it and will pass the info along To Aaron. He is leaving New York to drive home to sunny AZ tomorrow, so we should see him this weekend. He does have USAA insurance now, so we will have him get the no-ownership policy before he leaves. Also, he has a Sprint phone so we will have them put it on hold when he flys over.

One question (I am sure I will have more): when he gets to Japan, will he be better off getting a cell phone there or using the International Calling Cards that are available? What are the pros and cons you have discovered?

Congrats to Rick and family who will spend Christmas with Christopher, we will be without Aaron for the first time this Christmas but just gives us an excuse to celebrate early! Enjoy the time with your son!
Comment by Brandon S. on November 23, 2010 at 1:59pm
Rick, it's gotta be exciting for you and your family to see your son for Xmas. Our son is on the GW as well and we will spend our 2nd Xmas without him. Enjoy the good times and have a great Thanksgiving.
Comment by Brandon S. on November 23, 2010 at 1:57pm
Cora, congrats to our daughter and ofcourse the family on her promotion! Please wish her our best and a Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Comment by Rick Cogar on November 23, 2010 at 11:00am
Very excited for my son Christopher who is on the GW we will get to see him for the first time in a year and half at christmas time.......We are very proud of him he has been on the GW in japan for over a year now and really miss him................
Comment by Ed A on November 23, 2010 at 10:01am
Congratulations to Brooklyn!!!
Comment by dadof2sailors on November 22, 2010 at 5:54pm
If your son has Verizon wireless all he has to do is put it on Military hold. With no cancellation fees. He will be able keep his same phone number also. Also if he has car insurance right now and he is young the best thing for him to do is get a non-ownership policy with USAA. It cost 5.00 a year and that will provide him with a car policy with no break in coverage. Which is much cheaper than when he gets back and possibly have a hugh car insurance bill because he had no coverage for however long he will be in Japan.
Comment by MikeU on November 22, 2010 at 5:38pm
Congrats on your son's qualifications and deployment to the USS GW. If he has a cell phone in his name, have him cancel it. It won't work in Japan. Phone co will usually waive a cancellation penalty for military deployment.

Once he arrives in Japan, he will spend the first few weeks in an Indoc course, so he will learn everything he needs to know about his new command as well as the host country.
Comment by Jim G. on November 22, 2010 at 9:57am
My son, Aaron, just completed his qualification at Prototype and will be reporting to the GW in Yokosuka on Dec. 22. Hard for Mom to know he will be so far away, especially at Christmas, but we are extremely proud of him for successfully completing hi training as a Nuclear machinist's Mate! Any advice to ease his transition to a new duty station in japan (including things he should do while home on leave during the next few weeks) would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Comment by Brandon S. on November 19, 2010 at 4:14pm
Hey David, must have been a great time for you and your sailor. Glad your home safe and trust me, we are all very proud of our loved ones. We will be thinking of them all on the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday.

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