Navy Dads

I have gotten different answers to these questions.

1) How long is A School?

2) Where do most MA's get stationed out of A School?

Thank You. 

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Mike, follow this link for a description of the MA Rating. In a nut shell, A school is 9 weeks. San Antonio, TX. There may be follow on training if he decides to go into a specialized field. As far as where, it's all dependant of the needs of the Navy. Could be shore duty, over seas, ship...he goes where they need him.

My daughter is in her 3rd week of MA A School. The A school itself is 52 days long... So just under 2 months, but the first week after arrival is a general training week leading about financial responsibility and sexual harassment among other things. This week does NOT count as A school. My daughter was on hold for a week after the general training week due to a backlog of classes waiting to start. Could be on hold longer or not at all... It just depends. My daughter just got her iced era to Napoes Italy. MAs can go anywhere... They have a lot of stateside and overseas billets. They are increasing the amount if MAs right now and there are more sea billets coming available. They get orders to their ormanent duty station in the second or third week of class after they complete to OC obstacle course.
Hope that helps!


My son graduated from A school in September and from there was assigned to Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron 115 (VAW-115), known as the Liberty Bells, based at Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Japan.  The squadron flies the E-2C Haweye 2000.  My son earned the Navy Expert Pistol ribbon and Navy Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist insignia.  He just got his third stripe and will soon be shipping out with his squadron on the USS Ronald Reagan.  I recall that some of his A school classmates were assigned to facilities in Bahrain, Naples Italy, and Guam.  I'm sure your son will do just fine. The worst part of A school is the pepper spray in the face--no one likes it, everyone hates it, but all get through it.    

Thanks Jim and Tracey, yes that helps. Did they have a choice where they wanted to go? This is new to me since I served in The Air Force. We just filled out a Dream Sheet.

   Grads usually get to choose from available orders based upon their class rank. Needs of the Navy determine what is available. There is no "usual" posting for MA's

For MA Graduation were do you stay?  Also how do you get passes to get on base?



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