Navy Dads

Can anyone enlighten me on what exactly the MA PRP program is? My son is currently in his "A" school in San Antonio and was not excited to learn that his assignment for the next 4 years (?) would be at Kings Bay, GA "in the PRP program".


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Hi, Mark. Sorry, but I don't know whether advancement opportunities are better with PRP. But I can comment a little about the process from the experience of my son, Colin, who went through Lackland several months ago.

The orders for each class are different from every other class, depending on the needs of the Navy. While Colin was there, one entire class got orders for Bahrain. The next class got some orders for California, Japan, Spain and Bahrain. His class also had an option for "Riverines," which he opted for. He's now based in Virginia, having now completed three more advanced security courses.

Assuming your son's class will have some options, he may get to choose. But the assignments are first come, first served. The higher his standing in the class (written tests, PT, pepper spray course), the more options he'll have to choose from. So urge him to study hard and do good on those tests. Then he'll have his pick.

Hope that helps.

I don't believe that it will help him rank up any faster. Advancement is based upon service time in rank and successfully passing the Advancement Test. The quotient for MA's (available rank-up slots) is not the greatest. Candidates must score in the top percentages to gain rank. Often sailors "pass without advancement".....but get points added for the next Advancement Cycle. Orders are usually picked by Class Rank at the end of A tell him to do his best in order to have the most options. It all depends on what he wants to do with his career...Best of luck to him and prepare for the O.C. spray!

Hi Steve,

Actually, my daughter got assigned to a Marine unit initially, but they disbanded it and she was transferred to Harbor Patrol, which is a Navy unit. She is a boat coxswain (driver) most of the time, and she loves being on the boats. The hours are long (16-18 hour days), but the generally work a kind of 3 on-2 off type schedule, unless she needs to augment.

There wasn't any extra training, other than coxswain school. Those were like 2-week courses. There's also qualifying on her various weapons, like the M240 machine gun.

PRP is a 3-year obligation. Once my daughter finishes this post, she's hoping to get out to the fleet to see what the REAL Navy is like.

I don't think PRP will necessarily help you advance quicker. As stated before, advancement is based on evals and test scores. But it MAY help down the line. I would think that it looks good on your record. Given what they are guarding and the length of the assignment, it cant hurt. It may open up some doors for future assignments. But that's just MY opinion.

I hope this helps.



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