Navy Dads

Does anyone know if the Navy will allow an SO candidate to take 48-72 hours to attend a wedding during SQT Cold Weather training? 

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Hi Kyle.

Welcome. Just a word of advice, you may want to drop your last name from your profile. PERSEC and all.

As for your question, I can't speak to SQT Cold Weather training rules in particular, but I know my son who was deployed, was granted a short leave, to come home for his sister's wedding. What I would suggest is that he needs to ask his CO at the very earliest opportunity. The more notice they have of a request, the more likely they will try to accommodate such a request. 

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. 

Yes.  That is something I am very careful of and I completely goofed.  Thank you for letting me know. 

That is good advice.  I will talk with my brother about asking his CO.  Thanks again.
Ron P said:

Hi Kyle.

Welcome. Just a word of advice, you may want to drop your last name from your profile. PERSEC and all.

As for your question, I can't speak to SQT Cold Weather training rules in particular, but I know my son who was deployed, was granted a short leave, to come home for his sister's wedding. What I would suggest is that he needs to ask his CO at the very earliest opportunity. The more notice they have of a request, the more likely they will try to accommodate such a request. 

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. 

Don't feel bad, I did the same thing myself, when I joined Navy Dads. The site asks for your first and last names for your profile, then when you get to the NSW group, it says not to use last names, which makes perfect sense. 

I appreciate you saying that.  I was feeling very hypocritical considering I had explained to my immediate and extended family several times that they shouldn't post about my brother and his pursuits on social media.  

Also, do you know how far in advance they announce SQT graduations?

Ron P said:

Don't feel bad, I did the same thing myself, when I joined Navy Dads. The site asks for your first and last names for your profile, then when you get to the NSW group, it says not to use last names, which makes perfect sense. 

The initial sign-in page and the questions are a function of our provider and we really cannot put a notice there about names and our profile questions however we do state not to post SEAL names. Thanks for being so cognizant of OPSEC and PERSEC- wish everyone was ! 

Hi Kyle,

I'm sorry, I don't recall how far in advance we were notified. It's been a few years. Perhaps one of the other Dads or Admins knows?

Kyle said:

I appreciate you saying that.  I was feeling very hypocritical considering I had explained to my immediate and extended family several times that they shouldn't post about my brother and his pursuits on social media.  

Also, do you know how far in advance they announce SQT graduations?

Hi Paul,

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression that it was anyone's fault. Just trying to show Kyle how easy it was to make that mistake, since I made the same one myself, when I joined the site. I thought the last name was required, as it is on many sites. Turned out it wasn't, so I went with an initial instead.  

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

The initial sign-in page and the questions are a function of our provider and we really cannot put a notice there about names and our profile questions however we do state not to post SEAL names. Thanks for being so cognizant of OPSEC and PERSEC- wish everyone was ! 

no worries bro...was just explaining why we cannot make things more streamlined sometimes!  Kinda like dealing with the Government at times! 

Ron P said:

Hi Paul,

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression that it was anyone's fault. Just trying to show Kyle how easy it was to make that mistake, since I made the same one myself, when I joined the site. I thought the last name was required, as it is on many sites. Turned out it wasn't, so I went with an initial instead.  

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

The initial sign-in page and the questions are a function of our provider and we really cannot put a notice there about names and our profile questions however we do state not to post SEAL names. Thanks for being so cognizant of OPSEC and PERSEC- wish everyone was ! 

Congrats and best of luck on your wedding and getting your brother there.  Getting him throught the process will be the hard part, to your wedding is reasonable at that stage BUT until he is pinned the Navy owns him.  Truth is, it only gets worse once they get "Pinned" and married to a Team.

I pray and bet it will all work out.

Maybe if the wedding is in Alaska. ha ha  I would not hold your Breath.  Seriously,you need to have your son  FOCUS 100% on the  Training..... That is how he will make it and graduate.

That would be my advice.....



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